Global Finance editors select the winners for the Best Bank Awards with input from industry analysts, corporate executives and technology experts. The editors also use entries submitted by banks, as well as independent research, to evaluate a series of objective and subjective factors.
This year’s ratings are based on performance over the period from the January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. In cases where data may not be available, banks have the option to submit data from the fourth quarter of 2023 through the third quarter of 2024.
Global Finance uses a proprietary algorithm with criteria—such as knowledge of local conditions and corporate customer needs, financial strength and safety, market standing, compliance and excellence of customer service—weighted for relative importance. Entities are rated on each separate criterion. The algorithm incorporates those ratings into a single numerical score, with 100 equivalent to perfection. These calculations reveal a ranking that determines the ultimate winners. In cases where more than one institution earns a similar score, we favor local providers over global institutions, and privately owned banks over government-owned ones.
The winners are those banks that best meet the specialized needs of corporations as they engage in global business. These top-notch finance institutions are not always the biggest, but rather the best—those with qualities that companies should look for when choosing a provider.
Entry Preparation
Take advantage of this opportunity to participate in the review process.
It is not necessary to enter in order to win, but submitting an entry significantly increases the chance of success. Submitters are able to make their case while presenting information and perspectives that may not be readily available to the editors of Global Finance.
Global Finance maintains best journalistic practices to protect the confidentiality of information supplied. Any information provided that is not appropriate for the public domain should be clearly identified in a separate section of the entry.
Please review the countries and territories listed in this document as they may have changed from prior years.Those making submissions should provide concise information in the following areas:
1. Key financials, including total assets, asset growth, market share, ROE and earnings. Please submit
data to describe the scale of your banking operations, including any league tables or other comparisons with competitors
2. Details of key capabilities and services offered
3. Geographical range
4. Details of any significant developments during 2024, such as mergers, acquisitions, new launches, etc.
5. Customer service—submit customer endorsements
6. Technology—examples of leading-edge technology deployment
7. CEO name and full contact details.
8. Please include the following information as a cover sheet to your submission to ensure that it is processed properly:
Bank Name (exactly as it should appear on awards-related announcements)
Award(s) Being Submited For
Submission Contact Name/Title/Email
Communications/Marketing Contact/Name/Title/Email
How to Enter
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