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Includes historical data for Mexico’s Gross Domestic Product growth, debt-to-GDP ratio and more, as well as information on trade, banking and financial sector leadership.

A Top Emerging Market For FDI

Mexico, the 11th largest economy globally, benefits from its strategic location and preferential access to the United States, a large domestic market, and an increasingly skilled, inexpensive workforce. An attractive destination for foreign investors, Mexico is one of the top recipients of FDI among emerging markets. Its appeal is enhanced by the government’s prudent fiscal policies and membership in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

However, challenges persist. Structural issues such as high inequality, weak rule of law and security concerns, along with the dominance of the informal sector, hinder economic progress. Mexico also faces concerns regarding its high dependence on the U.S. economy, inadequate transportation, health and education infrastructure, as well as a narrow tax base, with tax revenues representing less than 20% of GDP.

Macroeconomy & Sovereign Data

Type of Government Federal presidential republic
Capital Mexico City
Sovereign Ratings S&P: BBB
Moody’s: Baa2
Fitch: BBB–
Total Population 132.3 million
Median Age 30.2
Adult Per Capita Income (PPP) 27,671.79
Total GDP (2023) 2.0 trillion

Mexico GDP & Economic Overview

Most Recent Content

Banking & Finance

Trade & Investment

Total Exports USD 555.6 billion (2023)
Leading Exports Cars And Vehicle Parts
Delivery Trucks
Crude Petroleum
Video Displays
Insulated Wiring
Total Imports USD 605.8 billion (2022)
Leading Imports Integrated Circuits
Refined Petroleum
Cars And Vehicle Parts
Office Machinery/Parts
Source: World Integrated Trade Solution

Mexico Leading Companies

Grupo Financiero Banorte Financials
Banco Mercantil del Norte Financials
Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos (Banobras) Financials
América Móvil Communication Services
Cemex Materials, Cement
Pemex Oil & Gas Exploration & Production

Major Trade Partners — Import

United States 44%
China 20%
South Korea 4%
Germany 3%
Japan 3%

Major Trade Partners — Export

United States 78%
Unspecificied 5%
Canada 3%
China 2%
Other Asia, unspecified 2%

Data Sources:

IMF World Economic Outlook

UN World Population Prospects

World Inequality Report

S&P Global Ratings


Fitch Ratings

IMF Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)

UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

CIA The World Factbook

World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution

Forbes Global 2000
