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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Saudi Global Bond Sets Benchmark

Saudi Arabia made a splash with its $17.5 billion debut in the global bond market, which was the largest debt issuance by an emerging economy. The successful sale on October 19 was increased from an originally planned $10 billion, as ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Solar Cost Slides To Record Low, Again

The cost of producing solar power has fallen sharply in the past five years—so much that in some cases it can be half the price, or even less, of conventional power. Experts predict solar's cost will continue to plummet.


Stars Of China: Banks Span The Spectrum

This year’s ranking of Chinese banks includes all 21 Chinese banks that have a rating from one of the three large, international rating agencies. In principle, the only criterion for inclusion, apart from having one or more rating, was that ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Transfer Pricing: A Risky Juggling Act

Transfer pricing—price-setting for sales within a corporate family—for maximum returns takes on heightened risk as governments crack down on creative tax-avoidance maneuvers.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

UAE Bank Merger May Spark More Deals

After several years of inactivity, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) could see a spate of M&A deals in financial services.


Under President Trump, Will Gold Be The New Black?

With billionaire president-elect Donald Trump in the White House, we may be about to witness a revival of bling. Trump has promised to lower taxes on the wealthy, giving them more to spend on everything from Apples (iPad) to zircon ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Wells Fargo To Grow Online, Probably Close Branches

Tim Sloan, newCEO of Wells Fargo, will likely close branches and seek growth online, but even that may not be enough to helpthe San Francisco-based bank change direction in the wake of its cross-selling scandal.