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Emerging & Frontier Markets

M&A: Brazil, Latin America In Slump

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS By Gordon Platt Fears that the Federal Reserve would cut back on its bond-buying program, as well as the collapse of Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista’s commodities empire, triggered a sharp decline in mergers and acquisitions ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Mexico: Pea Nieto’s Energy Reform

NEWSMAKERS By Gilly Wright The proposal by Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto to reform Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), the state-owned oil and gas monopoly, could have far-reaching consequences for the country’s troubled economy. The proposal, which requires a constitutional ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Middle East: Iraqi Oil Pressures OPEC

EMERGING MARKETS ROUNDUP By Gordon Platt Rising Iraqi output could well represent the largest increase to global oil supplies over the coming years, easily outstripping projected gains from US shale oil, according to a report by National Bank ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

North Africa: Trading In Stability

ANNUAL SUPPLEMENT: AFRICA 2013 By Dan Keeler Developed-markets watchers hope tightening trade ties and increasing foreign direct investment will help ease tensions in North Africa. Two years after the Arab Spring swept through North Africa and beyond, ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Polls & Stats: Growth In Noncash Payment Transactions

Emerging Markets See Strong Growth in Noncash Payment Transactions “Mature markets accounted for 77% of the total volumes [of noncash transactions] but ... growth rates are higher in the developing markets—18.7% versus 6.2% in the mature markets in 2011. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Risk Management: Political Risk

WALKING A FINE LINE By Paula L Green As civil unrest continues to flare up in disparate markets worldwide, corporate risk managers must be aware of the impact that sanctions and regulatory changes can have on their political ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Russia: Arrest In ‘Potash War’

EMERGING MARKETS ROUNDUP By Kim Iskyan Russian potash giant Uralkali in late July unexpectedly withdrew from an export delivery arrangement with Belarus Potash, the marketing agent for the Russian company and for Belaruskali, the Belarus national potash company. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Salon: Conrad Saldanha

GOING DOMESTIC By Vanessa Drucker Global Finance sat down with Conrad Saldanha, portfolio manager, emerging markets equities, at asset management firm Neuberger Berman, to discuss the future prospects for global emerging markets. Global Finance: Emerging markets have ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Serbia: Can Lazar Krstic Cut It?

NEWSMAKERS By Luca Ventura Lazar Krsti has a daunting task ahead: saving Serbia from a debt crisis. A Yale graduate with no party affiliations or political experience, the 30-year-old McKinsey associate is expected to consolidate public finances and ...


US: Frackings Fractured Future

MILESTONES By Ronald Fink Recent write-downs of shale assets by BHP Billiton and Royal Dutch Shell have cast doubts on claims voiced in Washington, DC, that the US can attain energy independence as a result of the technological ...


US: Ratings Agency Fights US Lawsuit

MILESTONES By Paula Green Shareholders at McGraw Hill Financial, along with US taxpayers, could end up paying the price as the US government and one of the country’s major credit ratings agencies face off in a courtroom drama ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

US: Will Companies Fill In Pay Gap?

MILESTONES By Paula Green The frequently mind-boggling comparison between the pay of a US firm’s chief executive and the company’s rank-and-file employees is finally set to come before the Securities and Exchange Commission this fall. Tucked away in ...