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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

MSCI Tells China To Wait, May Reclassify Nigeria

China’s recent efforts to make it easier for global investors to access its enormous stock markets in Shanghai and Shenzhen were not enough to persuade MSCI to include these “China A shares” in its widely followed Emerging Markets Index just yet.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

US Companies Cut Back On Share Repurchases

A squeeze on earnings and a rise in funding costs have persuaded many US companies to commit less cash to buying back their own shares this year.


Will the dollar peg come unglued?

GCC nations are constantly recalculating the cost/benefit ratio of maintaining the dollar peg. Lately, external pressures give the question new urgency.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

ECB Corporate Bond Buying Lures US Issuers

<strong>Capital Markets | Fixed Income</strong><br /> US companies are rushing to borrow in European bond markets. They’re taking advantage of low interest rates on euro-denominated issues after the European Central Bank’s decision to start buying investment-grade corporate bonds in June—part of its economic stimulus program. Last year already set a record for corporate borrowing in Europe’s bond markets, where rates are significantly lower than in the US.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

From Azerbaijan To Zambia, Country Ratings Slide

<strong>Capital Markets | Sovereign Risk</strong><br /> Low energy and commodity prices and a global economy stuck in low gear have provoked a surge in sovereign ratings downgrades in the first three months of this year. And rating agencies anticipate another wave of downgrades if a wider global economic slowdown materializes.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Market Braces For $2 Trillion In EM Debt

<strong>Trends | Emerging Markets</strong><br /> Emerging markets sovereigns and corporates will need to refinance up to $2 trillion of debt coming due in the next five years, as a result of extravagant borrowing earlier this decade when commodity prices were soaring and cheap financing was readily available.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Weak Dollar Boosts US Companies

<strong>Capital Markets | Foreign Exchange</strong><br /> After years of bemoaning the negative effects of the strong dollar on their revenue and earnings, US-based multinationals are singing a different tune.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

China’s Currency Fixings Suggests Move Toward Market Rate

The People’s Bank of China has introduced bigger movements in its daily fixings of the country’s currency against the dollar. If sustained, this subtle change could signal that the central bank is preparing to allow greater flexibility in foreign exchange trading.