Global Finance is proud to present the winners of the 16th annual Stars of China Awards, honoring the best Chinese banks, fintech companies, asset management firms and enterprises serving China and the world.

The Stars of China Awards are the preeminent evaluation of financial institutions and other organizations in China by international media, and they recognize institutions that excel in serving China in harmony with the nation’s goals and objectives.
A full list of the winners is presented on the following pages and will be published in the November print and digital editions and online at GFMag.com. The Stars of China Special Report will include Global Finance’s exclusive ranking of the Safest Banks in China. It will also include an in-depth look at the success stories behind the winners and their various approaches to excellence in the unique environment of the People’s Republic.
“The banking sector is leading the way as China successfully addresses unprecedented economic challenges in the post-pandemic period. Through this year’s Stars of China awards, Global Finance is proud to recognize the best of the sector’s banks and asset managers for their dedication to service, financial innovation and global reach,” said Joseph Giarraputo, founder and editorial director of Global Finance.
The full list of winners follows.

For editorial information please contact Andrea Fiano, editor: afiano@gfmag.com
About Global Finance
Global Finance, founded in 1987, has a circulation of 50,000 and readers in 193 countries and territories. Global Finance’s audience includes senior corporate and financial officers responsible for making investment and strategic decisions at multinational companies and financial institutions. Its website — GFMag.com — offers analysis and articles that are the legacy of 36 years of experience in international financial markets. Global Finance is headquartered in New York, with offices around the world. Global Finance regularly selects the top performers among banks and other providers of financial services. These awards have become a trusted standard of excellence for the global financial community.
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