Best Islamic Financial Institutions Awards Submission


All selections are made by the editorial team of Global Finance after extensive consultations with bankers, corporate finance executives and analysts throughout the world. The editors also use entries submitted by financial services providers. In selecting these top firms, factors that range from the quantitative objective to the informed subjective are considered. Quantitative criteria include growth in assets, profitability, geographic reach, strategic relationships, new business development and innovation in products. Among the subjective criteria considered are reputation, customer satisfaction, and the opinions of analysts and others involved in the industry.

The mix of these factors yields leading banks that may not be the largest, oldest or the most diversified in a given country, region or product, but rather the best—the firms with which customers around the world would most likely want to do business.

Judgements are based on performance over the period from the January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024. (In cases where data may not be available due to different fiscal year reporting, companies have the option to submit data from the fourth quarter of 2023 through the third quarter of 2024.)

Entry Preparation

Take advantage of this opportunity to participate in the review process.

It is not necessary to enter in order to win, but past experience shows that submitting entries significantly increases the chance of success. In many cases, entrants are able to present information and perspectives that may not be readily available to the editors of Global Finance.

Global Finance maintains best journalistic practices to protect the confidentiality of information supplied. Any information provided that is not appropriate for the public domain should be clearly identified in a separate section of the entry.

Please review the award categories listed in this document as they may have changed from prior years.Those making submissions should provide concise information in the following areas:

1. Volume, market share and geographical coverage – submit data to describe the scale of your

Islamic financing operations, including any league tables or other comparisons with competitors

2. Financial strength and security – please provide data demonstrating the institution’s financial

strength, security and longevity, such as your latest financial data, annual reports and latest financial statements

3. Commitment to the business – submit data on the number of employees dedicated to Islamic

financing and capabilities in specific products

4. Technology – examples of leading-edge technology deployment

5. Range of products and innovation

6. Fees, profits and return on assets

7. Please include the following information as a cover sheet to your submission to ensure that

it is processed properly:

Bank Name (exactly as it should appear on awards-related announcements)

Award(s) Being Submited For 

Submission Contact Name/Title/Email

Communications/Marketing Contact/Name/Title

How to Enter

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Submitter's Name*
Marketing Contact
Head of Business Contact
Please list all award categories
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