Best Private Bank Awards Submission

Entry Preparation

Entries are not necessary in order to win. However, experience shows entries increase the chance of success. In many cases, entrants are able to present information and perspectives not readily available to the editors of Global Finance. All submissions are strictly confidential.

Those making submissions should provide concise information in the following areas: 

1. Key financial data—including ROI, earnings and income growth year-on-year. 

2. Details of market penetration—assets under management, market share and other comparisons with competitors. 

3. Details of customer breakdown by net worth, location, investment strategy and goals, risk profile, age and other demographic characteristics. 

4. Details of key capabilities and services offered—including range of portfolio products and allocation/ investment strategies, tailored solutions, reporting and valuation, analytics and personnel. 

5. Customer service—submit customer endorsements (Global Finance may make further contacts for additional information). 

6. Competitiveness—submit data demonstrating competitive fee structure/ROI, innovation and evidence of commitment to the business. 

7. Demonstration of local market knowledge, regulations and practices, and market-specific services and solutions. 

8. Please include the contact information requested below to ensure that your submission is processed


• Bank Name (as it should appear on awards-related announcements)

• Awards For Which You Are Submitting – Please submit for as many categories as are

appropriate. Entries help present the jugding panel with a more complete picture of an

organization’s operations and can lead to additional award honors.

• Submission Contact Name/Title/Email/Phone

• Communications Contact Name/Title/Email/Phone

• Line of Business Head Contact Name/Title/Email/Phone

Submit Your Entry

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