Gordon Platt Foreign Exchange Awards 2025 – FX Banks Submission


Take advantage of this opportunity to participate in the review process. Banks are strongly urged to submit entries for the appropriate countries and categories.

It is not necessary to enter in order to win, but experience shows entries significantly increase the chance of success. In many cases, entrants present information and perspectives that may not be readily available to the editors of Global Finance. Global Finance maintains best journalistic practices to protect the confidentiality of information supplied. Any information provided that is not appropriate for the public domain should be clearly identified.

Submissions for Global Finance’s Gordon Platt World’s Best Foreign Exchange Banks Awards should provide concise information in the following areas, and submissions should be tailored to the category or categories being entered:

1. Volume, market share, and scope of global coverage, along with any league tables or other comparisons with competitors.

2. Commitment to the business — submit (year-on-year) data on resource allocation to the FX business, the number of employees dedicated to FX and the number and size of trading desks.

3. Technology — examples of leading-edge technology deployment.

4. Execution skills — examples of transactions that benefited clients, including skill in structuring

transactions and advice on market positioning and hedging, as well as liquidity and the ability to handle large transactions without moving the market.

5. Please include the contact information requested below to ensure that your submission is processed properly. All contact information is required for entries to be considered.

• Bank Name (as it should appear on awards-related announcements)

• Award(s) Being Submitted For 

• Submission Contact Name/Title/Email/Phone

• Communications Contact Name/Title/Email/Phone

• Line of Business Head Contact Name/Title/Email/Phone

Any contact information submitted on Global Finance Calls For Entries or in relation to the publication’s awards and events programs are subject to Global Finance’s privacy policy, listed here: https://www.gfmag.com/privacy-policy/

Submit Your Entry

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