Sub-custodian Bank Awards Submission Information


Global Finance’s editorial board will consider market research, input from expert sources and entry information from banks to select winners from the institutions that reliably provide the best services in local markets and regions. Global Finance will also obtain input from users of sub-custody services. Criteria include customer relations, quality of service, competitive pricing, smooth handling of exception items, technology platforms, post-settlement operations, business continuity plans and knowledge of local regulations and practices. An entry’s performance will be judged over the period covering January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024.

Entry Preparation

Entries are strongly suggested but not required. Experience has demonstrated that entering provides a greater chance of success. In many cases, entrants can present information and perspectives that may not be readily available to the editors of Global Finance. There is no fee to participate.

Global Finance maintains best journalistic practices to protect the confidentiality of the information supplied. Any information provided that is not appropriate for the public domain should be clearly identified in a separate section of the entry.

Those making submissions should provide concise information in the following areas:

1. Key financials – including assets under management, earnings and market share – as well as new mandates, business retained and comparisons with competitors.

2. Details of key capabilities and services offered, including settlement, collateral management and segregation, corporate action processing, income collection, tax reclaim, securities lending, cash management, foreign exchange and other services.

3. Customer service—submit customer endorsements.

4. Indication of competitive pricing and evidence of commitment to the business.

5. Knowledge of local regulations and practices.

6. Please include the contact information requested below to ensure that your submission is processed properly.

Bank Name (exactly as it should appear on awards-related announcements)

Award(s) Being Submitted For

Submission Contact Name/Title/Email/Telephone

Communications/Marketing Contact/Name/Title/Email/Telephone

How to Enter

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Submitter's Name*
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