Global Finance’s editors select the winners for the Best Treasury & Cash Management Awards with input from industry analysts, corporate executives and technology experts. The editors also use entries submitted by financial services providers, as well as independent research, to evaluate a series of objective and subjective factors. This year’s awards will be based on the period from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024.
Global Finance uses a proprietary algorithm with criteria—such as knowledge of local conditions and corporate customer needs, quality of product and service offerings, financial strength and safety, market standing, compliance and excellent customer service—weighted for relative importance. The algorithm incorporates various ratings into a single numerical score, with 100 equivalent to perfection. In cases where more than one institution earns the same score, Global Finance favors local providers over global institutions, and privately owned banks over government-owned ones.
Entry Preparation
Take advantage of this opportunity to participate in the review process.
It is not necessary to enter in order to win, but experience shows entries increase the chance of success. In many cases, entrants are able to present information and perspectives that may not be readily available to the editors of Global Finance. Global Finance maintains best journalistic practices to protect the confidentiality of information supplied. Any information provided that is not appropriate for the public domain should be clearly identified.
Those making submissions should provide concise information in the following areas:
Global/Regional/Country, Territory & District Categories:
- The region(s) and categories for which you are nominating.
- Volume, market share, and scope of global and/or regional coverage––scale of global and/or regional cash management operations, how many countries in which you have an on-the ground presence and a network of correspondent banks..
- Customer service – submit customer endorsements if possible.
- Commitment to the business – areas of past, current and future investment, including data on how much investment is being made, and the breakdown of investments.
- Execution skills – examples of solutions/programs that delivered significant benefits and cost savings for clients.
- Identify the business unit head and his/her contact information.
TCM Systems & Services Categories:
- The categories for which you are nominating.
- Volume, global coverage/support, and market share you hold for the segment.
- Customer service – submit customer endorsements if possible.
- Commitment to the segment – areas of past, current and future investment, including data on how much investment is being made, and the breakdown of investments.
- Innovation – examples of product innovation within the segment.
- Execution skills – examples of solutions/programs that delivered significant benefits and cost savings for clients.
Contact Information
Please include the contact information requested below to ensure that your submission is processed properly.
• Bank/Company Name (as it should appear on awards-related announcements)
• Award(s) Being Submitted For
• Submission Contact Name/Title/Email/Phone
• Communications Contact Name/Title/Email/Phone
• Line of Business Head Contact Name/Title/Email/Phone
All applicable contact information is required for entries to be considered.
Any contact information submitted to Global Finance in relation to the publication’s awards and events programs are subject to Global Finance’s privacy policy, listed here: https://www.gfmag.com/privacy-policy/
PLEASE NOTE: If you do not receive confirmation of receipt for this Call For Entries from the contact listed on the Call For Entries within 48 hours of submitting, please resend AND notify them to ensure your entry has been received and is processed correctly.
How to Enter
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