Global Finance selects the best in the world.
The big international banks make it look easy, sweeping up dollars and euros and various other currencies from remote corners of the world and investing the resulting cash pile in the highestyielding instruments with acceptable risks, in order to boost a clients return on equity.
The job is easier said than done, however, and involves a host of behind-the-scenes providers of technology as well as innovative bankers who figure out how to move money with the sun, or leave it sitting where it is, and invest the notional balance efficiently in a faroff land. Not only does effective cash management help unlock working capital, but the outsourcing of routine operations also frees corporate treasurers to focus on risk management, long-term funding and business strategy.
With input from industry analysts, corporate executives and technology experts, Global Finance selected the best providers of treasury and cashmanagement services, globally and in nine categories across four regions of the world. A variety of subjective and objective criteria were used for choosing the winners. Factors considered include market leadership, customer service, competitive pricing and innovative technologies.
![]() Global Winner: Citigroup Citigroup has more than 5,200 employees who focus solely on delivering cash-management and trade services in 102 countries.With direct access to hundreds of clearing systems at the country level, the bank operates an efficient and cost-effective international payments network. Citigroups online banking service, CitiDirect, is available in 21 languages.The service enables customers to initiate local and cross-border payments and trade transactions and to access netting, collections, liquidity management, investments, multi-bank cash-concentration services and continuous-linked settlement of foreign exchange deals. CitiDirect recently introduced an event-notification service that alerts clients to specified transactions and events via email, telephone and personal digital assistant (PDA) devices. CitiDirect also added a payment-investigations function and more-powerful reporting and file-management capabilities. Instead of resting on its laurels, Citigroup is constantly seeking new ways to help clients increase their operating efficiencies, manage risks, free up working capital and achieve higher returns on liquid balances. Its ability to smoothly integrate its global capabilities with its customers operating environments has enabled it to win a growing share of the cash-management business. Citigroups WorldLink multi-currency transaction services, a product introduced last year, enables clients to have full control of cross-border payments over the Internet.Treasurers and finance officials are able to issue payments in more than 100 countries, with real-time access to competitive foreign exchange rates. |
![]() North America
Citigroup serves a broad client base in North America, including multinationals, subsidiaries of foreign corporations, financial institutions and government agencies. It focuses on serving the largest companies and financial institutions. The bank simplifies the process of managing receivables with end-to-end services that help customers to reduce DSO, or days of sales outstanding. It offers traditional controlled disbursement and new methods aimed at reducing the risk of fraud. For security, Citigroups check authentication service uses imaging and character-recognition technology. The CitiDirect online banking and information platform provides access to a wide range of cashmanagement applications.The banks data repository allows clients to evaluate their procurement and corporate travel expenses on a global basis. Citigroups alliances with SunGard Treasury Systems and other providers of specialized treasury workstations link the bank closely with clients and enable straight-through processing.
Deutsche Bank offers a comprehensive range of services to help treasurers improve their cash flow and streamline their cash-management processes, including payment and collection services, liquidity management, information and account services, and electronic bill presentment and payment services. With operations in 75 countries, Deutsche Bank has the geographical spread to support domestic, regional and global cash-management programs. It is meeting customers increasing demands for electronic handling of paper-based instruments. The banks systems enable corporate and institutional treasurers to track and monitor global cash positions efficiently, including intra-group transactions. Users have access with varying authorization profiles to match functional and security requirements.
Banco Santander offers a full range of cash-management services and has a strong on-the-ground presence in the region through its numerous subsidiaries. Its online InfoCash service consolidates a companys cash position with Banco Santander and other banks, enabling centralized administration of payments and access to local cash-management services. The banks online services enable treasury officials to respond quickly to changes in a region known for its volatile economic and financial environment. Accounts can be opened in both local and other currencies.
HSBC offers payments and cash-management services in 20 countries in the Asia-Pacific region through more than 590 branches and offices. It is the largest clearinghouse and payments processor in Hong Kong. HSBC is also the leading cash-management bank for multinationals in China, where its transaction volume rose 40% in 2003. In India HSBC has more than 24,000 customers, and its transactions more than doubled last year. HSBCs proprietary electronic banking system, known as Hexagon,was designed specifically for corporations and is the largest private system of its kind in the world.With multi-bank balance and transaction capabilities, it interfaces flexibly with other systems.It provides accounts-receivable management services that streamline the collection process and improve cash flow. It can supply comprehensive information on receivables and details of intra-day cash positions. |
![]() North America Citigroup In the current low-interest-rate environment, Citigroup helps corporate treasurers to increase returns on short-term working capital and balances created from receivables. One innovative product, Citibank Market Enhanced Deposits, allows treasurers to invest in bank time deposits with returns linked to the performance of the S&P; 500 index. Citigroup offers an online delivery channel for clients wishing to actively invest balances, with trades confirmed immediately.The CitiDirect online banking service provides access to a range of investment options, including commercial paper, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit, eurodollar time deposits and money market mutual funds. Clients may choose from 18 options from Citigroup as well as third-party providers and may open money market accounts online as needed.
Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank s cash-management unit has a strong position in the European market, including liquiditymanagement services linked to a cohesive global network. Its DB-Direct Internet product includes global cash-pooling reporting and indicative foreign exchange rates. DB-Cinq supplies historical payment information in both euros and US dollars. Global cash management is a core business for the bank, which is making ongoing investments to maintain and strengthen its product offerings.
Citigroup Some 17% of the clients of Citigroups cash-management business are located in Latin America. Citigroup is able to provide centralized cash-management and collection services throughout the region.It helps customers optimize their treasuries and supply chains. Where regulations permit, Citigroup offers the ability to move funds automatically, aggregate funds and transfer them to regional or global treasury centers. A key component of the banks liquidity services is the ability to invest excess liquidity in financial markets and instruments that are safe and provide competitive returns and liquidity.
HSBC HSBC has implemented comprehensive liquiditymanagement services for more than 700 clients in Asia, where it serves 300,000 cash-management customers. It offers notional in-country pooling and cash concentration, as well as cross-border sweeps where allowed by local regulations. In China the bank has introduced innovative liquidity services based on entrusted loan arrangements to help companies reduce external funding costs. Cross-border foreign currency netting is not allowed in China due to foreign exchange controls, but after extensive research and consultation with local authorities, HSBC introduced a modified netting service. |
![]() North America JPMorgan Chase JPMorgan Chases FSP Solutions service enables clients to outsource part or all of their treasury function.The service provides a flexible, scalable infrastructure that consolidates information and reduces disconnected flows.The banks online Access product offers a single point of access and does not require clients to download any proprietary software. EC Gateway integrates secure communications and data-management processes to facilitate the exchange of files globally.
ABN AMRO ABN AMRO is experiencing growing demand for treasury outsourcing services. Until recently, such demand has come largely from US multinationals seeking to outsource regional treasury operations in Europe.ABN AMRO is now providing outsourcing of some treasury functions for the central treasuries of US and European multinationals, as well as spin-offs and newly acquired companies. The bank is also providing outsourcing services to meet new regulatory requirements.
Banco Santander Central Hispano Banco Santander Central Hispanos InfoCash system provides online access to consolidated and detailed financial information in a choice of Spanish, English or Portuguese formats. The system provides for the convertibility of balances between eight different Latin American currencies and the US dollar.A full range of local banking services is available via the Internet, subject to local foreign exchange regulations.
HSBC HSBC offers customized cash-management services in a large number of Asian countries.The bank is fully capable of implementing global and regional infrastructures that are specific to the needs of each of its clients. Companies praise its ability to transfer functions to new systems without disrupting their existing banking operations. HSBC provides payments and receivables outsourcing and automated account reconciliation services. |
![]() North America Citigroup Asset Management Citigroup Asset Management has more than $100 billion under management in liquidity and short-term fixed-income products.The bank offers a wide array of strategies available through mutual funds and separately managed accounts. Citigroup Asset Managements US money market operation has a team of 27 people assigned to shortterm fixed-income and liquidity portfolios.The team includes sector specialists and individuals who specialize in evaluating market technical factors and Federal Reserve policy.
Citigroup Asset Management Citigroup Asset Managements non-US liquidity portfolio management team, based in London, is responsible for global, euro and British pound short-term fixed-income strategies.The company offers funds and customized accounts in various currencies. Citigroup Asset Management seeks to add value through duration management, country allocation, yield-curve management and credit or security selection.
Banco Santander Central Hispano Banco Santander Central Hispano has an extensive network of fund-management companies in Latin America. The banks Internet-based InfoCash service allows for consolidation of a companys cash assets with Banco Santander and other banks for investment at higher rates of return.
HSBC HSBC is the leading liquidity provider and market maker in Hong Kong dollar-denominated government paper. The banks money-market portfolio is among the largest in the region. Its Hexagon electronic-banking product enables corporate treasurers to maximize investment opportunities by monitoring and moving funds into interest-bearing accounts, time deposits and overnight money markets. |
![]() North America SunGard Treasury Systems California-based SunGards online systems integrate cash management and accounting functions. Its Avant- Gard products supply an interface that combines disparate data sources into a real-time snapshot of a companys cash and risk positions globally.SunGards treasury application service provider automates many daily processes, including cash positioning, account reconciliation and general ledger posting.
Trema Trema, based in Sophia Antipolis in France, has developed a wide range of services to support corporate treasury management operations. Its main product, Finance KIT, and Web-enabled Finance eKIT IntraBank help companies manage their global cash pools and interface with banks electronic systems. Finance KIT consolidates cash-flow forecasts from corporate subsidiaries and divides them into budgets, orders and invoices to indicate how certain the forecasts are.
Trema Tremas extended straight-through processing,or eSTP, enables a multinational corporation to integrate its treasury processes through online connections with affiliates and external counterparties. Finance KIT al- lows users to concentrate cash pools within a bank or across different banks with an overlay structure.
SunGard Treasury Systems From its regional headquarters in Singapore,SunGard Treasury Systems serves hundreds of clients in Asia. In December 2003 SunGard was selected by Malaysias RHB Bank Berhad to integrate its treasury, risk and cash-management operations.SunGards AvantGard products and services support treasury and capital markets clients.Its customers include all of the worlds 50 largest financial services companies. |
![]() North America JPMorgan Chase JPMorgan Chases online Horizon service helps organizations assess and manage enterprise-wide risks through self-assessment, auditing and measurement of performance indicators and loss events. Horizon is widely used by financial institutions and central banks. It is now available in a Chinese-language version.
UBS UBS offers a wide range of products and broad expertise in risk management.The bank advises companies on taking appropriate risks to ensure success and in balancing risk and security. Its derivative investment instruments combine significant yield opportunities with capital protection.
Banco Santander Central Hispano Banco Santander Central Hispano applies modern methods of risk management in the context of emerging markets.The bank has a strong presence in Latin America and knowledge of local payment infrastructures. Its online account-information system helps to communicate risk exposures.
HSBC HSBC provides consistent service across the region with a full suite of products to reduce a companys risk exposure. The banks extensive network of fullservice branches enables it to keep a close watch on local developments. HSBC has more than 300,000 cash-management customers in the region. |
![]() North America JPMorgan Chase JPMorgan Chase in October 2003 became the first bank to launch a comprehensive multi-currency notional pooling service.The service enables pooling of US dollar and euro balances to provide better returns and reduced costs. It combines long and short balances in euros and dollars and eliminates the need to perform currency swaps. Since the pooling is notional, the funds are not moved. In June 2003 the bank introduced cross-border, intra-day sweeps, allowing customers to concentrate cash more quickly.
ABN AMRO ABN AMRO is a leader in pan-European cash management. Its cross-border zero balancing service reduces debit interest and increases credit interest, improving a companys ability to manage liquidity. The bank links domestic cash pools into a cross-border pooling service and books the net balance to a master account.
Citigroup Citigroup has a presence in 24 countries in the region. It offers target balancing, whereby cash flows are concentrated to maximize returns on excess liquidity, and facilitates notional pooling of funds for interest purposes.The bank also provides a range of automated investment products.
Citigroup Citigroup offers in-depth knowledge of local regulatory restrictions and of tax issues that affect target balancing and notional pooling. The CitiDirect online banking system gives treasurers access to a full range of information regarding their liquidity structures. |
![]() North America JPMorgan Chase JPMorgan Chase processes $2.3 trillion in wire payments daily and has been the leading originator of automated clearinghouse transactions since the ACH network was introduced 28 years ago. JPMorgan launched a Web-based payables-discounting service for corporations and offers a global electronic invoice and payment service in conjunction with Xign.
Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank has expanded its global cash management activities to include multi-currency check and draft issuance.It signed a European cooperation agreement with US-based Bottomline Technologies to offer pan-European check-processing services.The bank has constructed a national lockbox platform in the US by harnessing EDSs network of processing centers.
Citigroup Citigroup enables corporations to centralize cash-management operations locally and regionally.The bank offers comprehensive payment and collection services. Its PayLink Plus enables clients to approve payment transactions from a single point. Citibanks SpeedCollect allows corporate clients to gather deposits and continuously monitor all local and regional operations.
HSBC HSBC offers integrated payment and receivable services that can be accessed via the Internet or through the banks proprietary electronic banking system, Hexagon. HSBC is the largest clearinghouse and payments processor in Hong Kong.It is a leader in implementing regional cash-management systems in Asia and backs them up with support in local languages. |
Citigroup Citigroup has taken a big lead in CLS, or continuouslinked settlement. Its third-party clients account for more than half of the market in North America.The bank was the first to introduce CLS to currency-futures settlement for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
ABN AMRO, a founding shareholder of the CLS Bank, introduced two new products in 2003. CLS FastTrack enables smaller banks to implement CLS quickly and with lower development costs.Its E-CLS is a special offering for banks that dont have a SWIFT connection.
Banco do Brasil The CLS concept has been slow to catch on in Latin America. Banco do Brasil, the regions largest bank, was the first to go live as a user of the CLS Bank settlement service. It relies on SafeSettle, the Bank of New Yorks proprietary Internet link, to monitor its CLS process.
Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, a subsidiary of Japans MTFG, serves a majority of the countrys third-party CLS customers.The bank has upgraded its technology on a global basis and is expanding its CLS services. |
By Gordon Platt