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Includes historical data for Chile’s Gross Domestic Product growth, debt-to-GDP ratio and more, as well as information on trade, banking and financial sector leadership.

A Commodities Export-Driven Economy

One of South America’s most prosperous nations, Chile is the world’s leading producer of copper and the second-largest producer of lithium. In addition to mining, Chile’s economy is bolstered by rich agricultural, fishery and forestry resources.

Chile’s flexible monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies have facilitated numerous free-trade agreements. As a member of the OECD and the Pacific Alliance, Chile’s transparent business environment and strong institutional framework make it an attractive choice for foreign investors. Weaknesses include regulatory barriers, shortage of highly skilled workers and relatively low export diversification.

Macroeconomy & Sovereign Data

Type of Government Presidential Republic
Capital Santiago
Sovereign Ratings S&P: BB
Moody’s: Ba2
Fitch: BB
Total Population 20.1 million
Median Age 36.3
Adult Per Capita Income (PPP) 35,432.13
Total GDP (2023) 333.8 billion

Chile GDP & Economic Overview

Most Recent Content


Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

IPOs Return To Latin America

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Chile: No Pain, No Gain

Banking & Finance

Trade & Investment

Total Exports USD 81.1 billion (2023)
Leading Exports Copper
Fish Fillets
Wood Pulp
Pitted Fruits
Total Imports USD 112.6 billion (2022)
Leading Imports Refined Petroleum
Crude Petroleum
Broadcasting Equipment
Delivery Trucks
Source: World Integrated Trade Solution

Chile Leading Companies

Quiñenco Group Financials
AntarChile Food & Staples Retailing
Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile (SQM) Materials, Chemicals
Latam Airlines Airlines
Falabella Consumer Discretionary, General Merchandise Stores
Banco de Crédito e Inversiones (BCI) Financials

Major Trade Partners — Import

China 30%
United States 17%
Brazil 8%
Argentina 5%
Germany 3%

Major Trade Partners — Export

China 39%
United States 16%
Japan 8%
South Korea 5%
Brazil 5%

Data Sources:

IMF World Economic Outlook

UN World Population Prospects

World Inequality Report

S&P Global Ratings


Fitch Ratings

IMF Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)

UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

CIA The World Factbook

World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution

Forbes Global 2000
