In Memoriam: A Special Colleague

Global Finance mourns the loss of our dear colleague Gordon Platt.

Gordon was a critical pillar of this magazine for his deep knowledge of all financial topics and markets, his long experience as a travelling global reporter, and his open, warm and kind attitude to all his colleagues and contacts.

He was a seasoned and great financial writer, with expertise in a vast range of topics: from FX to corporate finance, from subcustody to trade finance. He was a true gentleman, and his contributions to this magazine were always generous.

His ability to step up and deliver was, quite frankly, legendary. We all knew that we could count on him at all times, even the most difficult ones, to give his best. Gordon was the one who could solve unsolvable problems.

In this issue, there are several stories that he worked on.  There are more he was still writing, for January, when he suddenly passed away. He is very much missed.

Our thoughts are with his family and his loved ones.
