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#7 Online Trading Platforms

The story of online trading platforms really starts May 1, 1975, when the Securities and Exchange Commission broke the Wall Street cartel and eliminated the practice of fixed brokerage commissions.


#8 High-Frequency Trading

Most of the frantic pit jobs were displaced by digital technology, which pushed trading to warp speed, well beyond the capacity of humans.


#9 Blockchain

First developed in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto—whose identity remains a mystery—as a public ledger for all bitcoin transactions, blockchain is now outshining the cryptocurrency it underpins as it offers banks and others the benefits of a distributed ledger, i.e., an ...


APIs Alive

This year, we have honorees across a range of product areas that all aim to either help make their clients’ lives easier or make it easier for the banks themselves to foster innovation.


Bad Ideas

Reknowned economist James K. Galbraith, one of our expert panelists, pulls no punches in talking about the damage wrought by financial innovation

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Bahrain Launches National E-Wallet

The Central Bank of Bahrain will launch the kingdom’s first electronic wallet by the end of June, “an important step in enhancing the financial sector by providing innovative payment solutions aimed at both public and private sectors,” says Salman bin ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Chinas Interbank Bond Market To Connect With Hong Kong

Paul Chan Hong Kong financial secretary Eligible overseas investors will gain access for the first time to mainland China’s massive interbank bond market through a planned hookup with Hong Kong, known as Bond Connect.


Equity Forever

Damian Glendinning, Lenovo’s treasurer, explains why the world’s biggest PC maker opted for a dual-tranche financing transaction using a perpetual security.


Hedging Cash Flow

Global Finance: What's new about FiREapps for Cash Flow? Wolfgang Koester: FiREapps for Cash Flow revolutionizes the cash-flow exposure management process.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Laffer Still Bullish On Tax Cuts

Arthur Laffer Although Donald Trump has suffered political setbacks in his first months as US president, he is still in a position to drive ahead on his audacious plans for tax cuts and infrastructure spending, says economic iconoclast Arthur Laffer, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Macron Breaks Logjam In EU Corporate Bonds

US companies flocked to Europe to issue bonds at low interest rates in May, after centrist Emmanuel Macron’s landslide victory in the French presidential election lowered perceived political risk in the European Union.


New Tools Beget New Solutions

Each advance in technology opens doors for new approaches and ideas. This year’s innovators in finance show the range of problems being tackled.