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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Africa: Evolving Through The Crisis

With each country responding differently to the commodities crash, Africa showcases a range of mitigating efforts, with varying success.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Argentina, Back From The Debt Wilderness

It’s been a long time coming, but Argentina is finally back. In mid-April, after being frozen out of global capital markets for 15 years, the country sold $16.5 billion of debt in an offering that was more than four times oversubscribed—the biggest bond ever sold in an emerging market.


Bulgaria And Romania Lead The Charge

Not long ago, Romania was synonymous with sluggish growth, underperformance and corruption. Analysts acknowledged its huge potential but said it wasn’t being realized.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

China’s Currency Fixings Suggests Move Toward Market Rate

The People’s Bank of China has introduced bigger movements in its daily fixings of the country’s currency against the dollar. If sustained, this subtle change could signal that the central bank is preparing to allow greater flexibility in foreign exchange trading.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Giving Back To Mother Nature

Corporate sustainability is no longer just a box-ticking exercise. Increasingly, CFOs are making the link between measuring the environmental, social and cultural impact of their activities and long-term business value.


KEB Hana: United For Regional Strength

When Korea Exchange Bank (KEB) merged with Hana Bank, they formed Korea’s largest bank, with $243 billion in total assets in 2015, and $143 billion in lending as of November. CEO Ham Young-joo sat down with Global Finance editors to discuss economic conditions and KEB Hana’s plans for growth.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Kingdom’s Economy Sputters, Austerity Plan Unveiled

Low oil prices are taking a heavy toll on Saudi Arabia’s economy, which is facing even greater austerity under deputy crown prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud’s plans to raise $100 billion a year from subsidy cuts and new levies.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Lifting The Veil On Iranian Banks

We present a rare tour of the newly opened Iranian banking sector. Westerners will be surprised by what they find—in both philosophy and performance—in this long-hidden area of the banking world.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

New US Inversion Rules To Have Impact Abroad

The US Treasury’s latest measure to keep US companies from reincorporating in lower-tax countries is its strongest effort yet to halt so-called “inversions,” and could have far-reaching consequences for multinationals.