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Djibouti Aiming High

<strong>Frontier Markets Report</strong><br /> Djibouti is a small country with ambitious plans, which it hopes to achieve by attracting large amounts of foreign direct investment.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Earnings Pressures May Spur Us Bank Mergers

<strong>Capital Markets | Mergers & Acquisitions</strong><br /> A need by banks to address weak earnings could result in increased merger activity in 2016, according to Fitch Ratings.


Middle East Supplement 2016

TABLE OF CONTENTS  Overview | A High-Stakes Poker Game  Islamic Finance | Bridging The Digital Divide  Sovereign Wealth Funds |...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Peru’s Economy On A Roll

<strong>Trends | Peru</strong><br /> There is no stopping Peru’s economy.<br />

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Philippines Jump-Starts Electronic Banking

<strong>Capital Markets | Banking Reform</strong><br /> More than one hundred million people, 2.5 billion transactions every month—and just 1% of payments made electronically.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Sovereign Funds Change The Patent Game

<strong>Trends | Patents</strong><br /> As sovereign governments expand their investments into uncharted territories, a new kind of fund has emerged: the sovereign patent fund (SPF), a state-owned patent investment fund that buys and licenses patents, covers the cost of litigation and protects against patent infringement.


Taiwan Roundtable: Ready To Manage The Risks

Taiwan is facing a challenging year, according to participants in a Global Finance roundtable in Taipei. But sound regulation has made banks resilient, and the mood is still upbeat.


Taiwan: Bring It On

Taiwan’s new president and its banks face a tough market and a changing economic picture. They’re ready.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Treasurers On A Wild Ride

Foreign exchange volatility is a major headache for corporates, but with strategic planning it’s possible to enjoy the ride.