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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

China’s New FX Regime

Foreign Exchange | Capital Markets The renminbi’s entry into the International Monetary Fund’s basket of currencies, the Special Drawing Rights (SDR), will require China to have a more flexible exchange rate.


Europe’s Private Debt Boom

Traditional banks are pulling back from lending to small and midsize businesses. Just as happened in the US, funds are filling the void.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Global Companies React To Security Threats

Security Risks | Management Recent terrorist events around the world, from California to Paris, have forced multinational companies to think more seriously about security and nonmarket risks, and the impact of threats on their operations and business continuity.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Markets Cheer Fed Rate Liftoff

Monetary Policy | Capital Markets Casting aside concerns about the strong dollar and weakness in economies abroad, the Federal Reserve achieved an historic interest rate liftoff in mid-December.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Strong M&A Outlook For 2016

Dealmaking | Capital Markets Global merger and acquisition prospects for 2016 seem likely to exceed the pace of activity in 2015, although the reasons are likely to differ from region to region.


Taking Blockchain From Development To Deployment

FinTech | Trends The launch of the blockchain-enabled asset trading platform Nasdaq Linq, Goldman Sachs’ filing of a patent for a securities settlement system based on a new virtual currency called SETLcoin, and the continued rise of blockchain banking consortium R3 all point to a race by financial institutions to harness the power of the blockchain.


A Virtual Deal-Making Machine

Capital Markets | Deal Matchmaking In this age of social media, even business matchmaking, traditionally the domain of word of mouth and handshakes, could use a little tech facelift.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

BEPS Raises The Bar

The world’s richest countries are getting tougher on corporate tax avoidance. But experts predict that, new guidelines notwithstanding, companies will still find ways around the system.