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Digital Bank 2021 Virtual Award Ceremony

Global Finance presented the World’s Best Digital Bank Awards for 2021 on November 18 during a Virtual Awards Ceremony. Global Finance Director of Operations Chris Giarraputo introduced the program, which covered the Best Global and Regional Corporate/Institutional Digital Banks and ...


Citi’s Social Evolution: Q&A With Citi Global Head of Social Finance Jorge Rubio Nava

In late October, Citi issued its first social bond, priced close to par, with a four-year tenor and 1.281% fixed-rate coupon. Proceeds will be used to finance healthcare, affordable housing, education and other goods and services that meet the bank’s social principles. Jorge Rubio Nava, global head of social finance at Citi, talks about the new bond as well as the evolution of Citi’s culture and policy with respect to ESG.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

ESG Growing Pains

Maturing standards are raising the issuance bar.


Strategic Land Grab

Big Tech preps for going back to offices by scooping up commercial real estate.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Bitcoin ETFs Stroke Wall Street

Analysts say the cryptocurrency’s spike in price has more to do with inflation fears than pent-up demand for nascent ETFs.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Nigeria’s Stock Exchange Lists Itself

Although the shares are still closely held by erstwhile members, there is a strong appetite from nonmember retail investors and institutional investors to own shares in the exchange.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Russian IPO Market Heats Up

Nearly a dozen Russian companies have hit the public markets since early 2020, with at least four more expected to start trading publicly before the end of the year.