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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Survival Preppers

Whether a business comes out of the pandemic stronger or not depends on savvy planning—plus a good bit of luck.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Turning The Liquidity Tap Back On

Banks are stepping up to provide loans and capital to beleaguered businesses. The challenge is making sure SMEs get more than just a trickle.


Nordic Companies Hurting Despite Aid

Despite the $30 billion in crisis support packages being provided by governments to help keep businesses viable and protect manufacturing output, COVID-19 has left leading top Nordic corporations hurting.


Islamic Finance Confronts Global Pandemic

How are Islamic banks affected by the pandemic? What are the specific challenges and opportunities they face? Here are a few takeaways from an online panel discussion organised on April 21 by UK based financial data firm Refinitiv.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Need Liquidity? Private Equity Has Plenty

Private equity enters the coronavirus pandemic with a record cash surplus that may help cash-strapped businesses with good long-term prospects survive.