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Downside Risk Greater For Entrepreneurs Outside The US | Thornhill, Zell Lurie Institute
Stewart Thornhill, ED, Zell Lurie Institute, University of Michigan, visited Global Finance New York office to talk about the differencebetween entrepreneurial ecosystemin the US and the rest of the world and how cultural issues impact entrepreneurial mindset.

Q&A with Alexis F. Thomson, Head, Global Securities Services, BBVA
BBVA's head of Global Securities Services, Alexis F. Thomson, spoke with Global Finance editor Andrea Fiano regarding the bank's focus on innovation and the impact of digital transformation on the bank's culture, processes and customer experience.

Q&A With Nandakumar K, Founder & CEO, SunTec Business Solutions
SunTech founder & CEO, Nandakumar K, spoke with Global Finance editor Andrea Fiano regarding the firm's new open banking products and how Suntec is enabling banks to get a 360 degree view of their customer's needs.