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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

IT Integration Staggering To The Finishing Line

SIBOS Supersection 2015 | M&A IT Integration Merging with other companies has its financial benefits, but when it comes to IT, not joining all the dots to integrate disparate systems can have serious consequences.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

New Zealand Walloped By Slowdown In Chinese Economy

Milestones | New Zealand In June, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand lowered its key cash interest rate a quarter of a percentage point to 3.25%, the first time the central bank has cut rates cut since 2011, citing a combination of deflationary pressure, plunging commodity prices and a slowdown in key export markets like China.

Emerging & Frontier Markets

PDVSA Scrambles To Make Up For Lost Oil Revenue

Milestones | Venezuela Venezuela’s state-owned oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela, is being squeezed by low oil prices, and the government in Caracas is feeling the pain.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Searching For Quality Commercial Paper Programs

SIBOS Supersection 2015 | Commercial Paper Programs Regulatory changes and GE Capital’s exit from the commercial paper market could pose a big problem for corporate treasury departments.


SIBOS Supersection 2015

SIBOS Supersection 2015 | Introduction Digital trade is a key theme for the corporate forum at SWIFT’s Sibos conference in Singapore in October.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Trade FinanceThinking Outside The Box

SIBOS Supersection 2015 | Innovation In Trade Finance Alternative finance—in all its myriad forms—could prove the answer to the global trade finance gap.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Treasury Workstations Build In Bank Fee Analysis

SIBOS Supersection 2015 | Bank Relationship Management Along with understanding the value they provide their banking partners, most companies want to know what they’re spending in banking fees each year, and how this compares to the contracted rates. Bank-fee analysis software can automate the process.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Where To Draw The Line On Big Data Privacy?

Cover Story | Supplement As data sharing becomes more common, individual privacy seems to be more luxury than norm. But corporations working with big-data analytics must pay attention to how many personal details they gather about their customers, lest they cross the invisible line of what is acceptable and what is not—and anger their client base.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Zimbabwe Attacking Hyperinflation

Milestones | Zimbabwe The demonetization of the Zimbabwean dollar began in June and holders of the near worthless currency have until September 30 to exchange it for US dollars.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Alibaba CEO Zhang Pushes Global Growth Strategy

China | Chinese ecommerce company Alibaba’s new CEO, Daniel Zhang, is a star, credited with the success of and the November 11 Singles Day—an online buying bonanza that has overtaken Black Friday as the most lucrative online shopping day of the year.