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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Cross-Border Dealmaker Seeks To Exit Indonesian Deal

NEWSMAKERS: EUROPE/INDONESIA   By Udayan Gupta   Nathaniel Rothschild’s Indonesian mining deal in 2010 was seen as a portent of how such cross-border deals could be done.     Rothschild (L) and Bakrie CEO Bobby Umar in happier days Thirty ...


WTO Entry Offers Legal, Regulatory Benefits To Laos

MILESTONES: LAOS   By Thomas Clouse   The Lao People’s Democratic Republic will take the final step in its 15-year campaign to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) this month when the country’s legislature ratifies its membership agreement.   Laotian trade ...

Award Winners

Awards: Stars of China 2012

NEW BALANCING ACT   By Thomas Clouse   Chinese policymakers must find news ways to boost domestic consumption and reduce economic reliance on stimulus investing in order to balance short- and long-term growth goals.   China's economic planners have performed ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Emerging Markets Roundup: China

NO-SHOW AT IMF   By Thomas Clouse   China’s once-a-decade leadership transition will begin on November 8 at the Communist Party’s 18th Congress.   Chinese banks skipped the World Bank/IMF meetings in Tokyo last month amid a territorial dispute with Japan, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX Supplement: The Renminbi As A Reserve Currency

THE RENMINBI GOES GLOBAL   By Gordon Platt   Pressure from BRIC countries for a new international reserve currency to replace the dollar is growing.   China, the world’s leading trading nation, would like to reap some of the benefits ...

Award Winners


Global Finance names the Stars of China 2012 NEW YORK,September 24, 2012 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Global Finance has announced its...

Award Winners

Stars of China 2012: Bank Winners

By Thomas Clouse BANKS WINNERS BEST CITY COMMERCIAL Bank of Nanjing China's more than 140 city commercial banks are facing increasing competition from each other as well as their bigger national counterparts and smaller rural finance neighbors. Against this competitive ...

Award Winners

Stars of China 2012: Corporate Winners

By Thomas Clouse CORPORATE WINNERS AUTOMOBILES Great Wall Motors Competition is fierce in China's automotive industry, and slowing sales growth this year has added even more pressure to the country's automotive producers. Great Wall has responded to that pressure with ...

Award Winners

Awards: World’s Biggest Banks 2012

ANNUAL SURVEY: The Big Get Bigger   By Andrew Cunningham   Global Finance presents the World’s Biggest Banks. Total assets are once again growing.   The world’s 50 biggest banks notched up assets of $65,956 billion at the end of ...

Award Winners

Awards: World’s Safest Banks 2012

ANNUAL SURVEY: DOWN, BUT NOT OUT   By Andrew Cunningham   Global Finance presents it annual ranking of The World’s Safest Banks.   European banks still account for 20 of the World’s Safest 50 Banks, but Europe’s hold on the ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Banker Arrests Shake Investor Confidence

MILESTONES: VIETNAM   By Thomas Clouse   Vietnam’s stock markets tumbled in August following the arrests of two of the country’s top bankers, Nguyen Duc Kien and Ly Xuan Hai.   Asia Commercial Bank’s Kien arrested for “illegal business activity” Photo ...