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Global Finance unveils its annual list of the best banks globally, regionally and by country. The banking industry remains under stress, but there are bright spots.


In The News At Sibos 2014

Inside Sibos | Review<br /> As the dust settles from Sibos 2014, delegates may be asking if they missed anything essential. Here are some of the key announcements to emerge during the event:


Sibos 2014: It’s A Wrap

Inside Sibos | Review<br /> At this year's event held in Boston, there seemed to be a greater sense of urgency among the banks about the need for change.


Trade Documentation Solutions To Drive EM Trade Growth

Inside Sibos | Review<br /> From a product perspective, a key area of commitment is related to trade documentation: “We have been active in this area for many years and it is undergoing transformation. I am convinced that BPO [bank payment obligations] will have success..."

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Asian Treasurers Match Strategy To Action

Inside Sibos | Day 3<br /> The increasing sophistication of Asian corporate treasuries to buoy the rapid development of Asian companies is a message that has been growing in resonance in recent years, and it is once again a topic of discussion at this year’s Sibos conference.<br />


Seeing Opportunity In Obstacles

Inside Sibos | Day 3<br /> “Global Transaction Banking is the fastest growing unit in Société Générale,” says Christian Behaghel, head of GTB at Societe Generale. “It is a very stable business, and while we generate something like 6% of the total revenue of the bank, we are experiencing growth of our revenue of 10-15% a year.” This compares, he says to some areas of retail banking that have 0-2% growth a year.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Trade Finance Goes Digital

Inside Sibos | Day 3<br /> This year’s Sibos event is set to see a greater focus on the use of technology to support trade. Since the launch of the Bank Payment Obligation (BPO), and the publication last year of the Uniform Rules for Bank Payment Obligation (URBPO) by the International Chamber of Commerce, adoption of the new instrument has been gradual—but across the industry there is increasing focus on how technology can be deployed in an area traditionally dominated by paper.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Disruptors: Mobile Money And Digital Currencies

Inside Sibos | Day 2<br /> The Future of Money is once again a key theme of SWIFT’s annual Innotribe startup competition at this year’s Sibos conference in Boston. It dominated a number of discussions on the first day of the conference, and cryptocurrencies were in the spotlight.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

The Future Of Banking—Italian Style

Inside Sibos | Day 2<br /> “Honestly I am here more to learn than for any other reason. And to understand what the banking system can become,” notes Antonio Patuelli, president of the Italian Banking Association, discussing SWIFT’s Sibos conference in Boston.<br />

Economics, Policy & Regulation

What Corporates Want

Inside Sibos | Day 2 As this year’s corporate forum at Sibos gets underway, what topics are corporations particularly focusing on? This year’s line-up includes a discussion around corporate-to-bank connectivity and the associated challenges.


5 Minutes w/ Joy Cave, VP & Treasurer, FM Global

Inside Sibos | Day 1<br /> Global Finance spoke with Joy Cave, vice president and treasurer of international property insurer FM Global, about how the firm measures and manages relationships with its transaction banking partners and how that has changed in light of market and regulatory developments in recent years—both key topics of discussion for corporate treasurers attending SWIFT’s Sibos conference in Boston this week.


Counterparty Risk In The Spotlight

Inside Sibos | Day 1<br /> What has really changed since the global financial crisis first hit? Four years after the Dodd Frank Act was enacted in the US to help stem another bank crisis, one of the primary causes of the meltdown remains a serious concern.