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Middle East 2012: GCC Banking And Investment

ABUNDANT FLOWS By Gordon Platt The oil and gas sector is leading an investment explosion in the region, particularly in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Photo Credit: PAUL COWAN / SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Led by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the ...


Middle East 2012: Levantine Banks

THE LEVANT BANKS ON STABILITY By Gordon Platt Caution and conservative growth are the key goals of Levantine economies. The resource-poor countries of the Levant have been trying to promote open markets, free trade and labor mobility ...


Nigerian Candidate Breaks The World Bank Mold

NEWSMAKERS: GLOBAL By Luca Ventura When Robert Zoellick announced in February that he would leave the World Bank in June, at the expiration of his five-year term as president, initial speculation over his possible successor revolved around the usual ...


Reding Lobbies For Board Member Quotas

NEWSMAKERS: EUROPE By Valentina Pasquali In the European Union, women comprise 60% of university graduates but only about 12% of corporate board members. Reding: Tackling red-hot issues such as gender parity The European Commission has decided to take action ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Regional Focus: Southeast Asia

ASIAN PEARLS By Denise Bedell Three pearls of Southeast Asia are beginning to glow with their own unique luminescence. Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines are increasingly on the radar of international investors and corporations. Red Hook, Brooklyn, ...


Roundtable: Philippines

UPWARD TRAJECTORY Moderated By Denise Bedell At a roundtable in Makati City, Manila, Global Finance brought together key banking and corporate figures in the Philippines to discuss how they are responding to the challenges they face in attracting ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Roundtable: Taiwan

NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH By Andrea Fiano At a roundtable in Taipei, Global Finance brought together key figures in Taiwan's banking and finance industry to discuss how new cross-strait trade opportunities will support this export-driven economy. Andrea ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Salon: Dean Baker – Fostering Growth

FOSTERING GROWTH By Alberto Riva Global Finance sat down with economist Dean Baker, co-director and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, DC, and author of several books, including The End of Loser Liberalism: Making ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

SEPA: Impact Of Migration End-Dates

BINDING COMMITMENT By Anita Hawser The EC has finally announced a legally binding end-date for SEPA migration. Now companies and their banks must get serious about migrating. During a recent visit to her firm's Canary Wharf offices, ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Strong Growth, Strong Reform In Mongolia

MILESTONES: MONGOLIA By Thomas Clouse Mongolia’s economy grew at a record-setting pace in 2011, bringing optimism for improved living standards—and concerns about overheating. In February the World Bank cited 2011 GDP growth at 17.3%, up from 6.4% in 2010. ...

Award Winners

World’s Safest Banks Midyear Update

SEA CHANGE By Andrew Cunningham Global Finance presents a half-year update to its annual ranking of The World’s Safest Banks. The safest banks in the world are still European banks, despite the crisis in the eurozone, but ...