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Bangladesh: Full Of Potential

The fast-growing nation is actively seeking FDI, but foreign investors must contend with endemic corruption and layers of bureaucracy.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

A Waiting Game For Zambia

Zambia offers a range of advantages and opportunities for foreign investors, but they may want to wait awhile until some risks play out.


Djibouti Aiming High

<strong>Frontier Markets Report</strong><br /> Djibouti is a small country with ambitious plans, which it hopes to achieve by attracting large amounts of foreign direct investment.


Middle East Region Staggers Under Ratings Downgrades

<strong>Milestones | Middle East</strong><br /> The established pattern of falling Middle Eastern credit ratings that started in 2014 continued apace in February and early March of this year, as rating agencies issued further downgrades of governments in the region.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Strong M&A Outlook For 2016

Dealmaking | Capital Markets Global merger and acquisition prospects for 2016 seem likely to exceed the pace of activity in 2015, although the reasons are likely to differ from region to region.


Padilla: Bearer Of Bad News, Unpopular Choices

Puerto Rico He has become the face of Puerto Rico’s woes, warning in media interview after interview of its inability to pay its bills and serving as the island’s bearer of bad financial news.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Guatemala Stability Amid Instability

Guatemala’s political turmoil, with parties deadlocked in Parliament, a runoff election looming and corruption scandals exploding, means the government will operate in a kind of suspended animation until 2016.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Hope Floats In Jamaica

After years of stagnation, Jamaica’s economy appears to be headed up. Debt reduction is a good start.