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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Real Estate Costs Bedevil CFOs

Work-space management lags behind work-style changes, presenting new challenges for property managers.


Japan Warms To Chinas One Belt Plan

Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abehas expressedsupport forChina’smassiveOne Belt, One Road infrastructure-upgrade plan.But his endorsement comes with a lot of ifs.

Country Report

Russia: A Slow Pivot

Yulia Tseplyaeva, now chief economist for Russia at Sberbank, speaks about Russia’s pivot East and adjustment to ruble devaluation.

Country Report

Russia Takes A Half Turn To Asia

Russia is working to reduce its dependency on Europe by strengthening domestic industry and ties to the Far East. It’s a work in progress.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Risky REFI Do-Overs For Corporate Finance

With interest rates insanely low, many corporate borrowers have been refinancing with leveraged loans—despite significant risks—and investors are eagerly snapping up the debt

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Capital Shops Abroad

Cash-rich corporations are once again seeking to expand through acquisitions, often looking abroad for synergies, and that’s driving the global M&A market.


Genius Or Lunacy, US Tax Plans Will Have Global Impact

People, businesses and governments around the world are looking anxiously toward Washington these days, trying to read the mind of the new president, Donald Trump, and the soul of the new Congress for changes that might affect them.