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Emerging & Frontier Markets
One Minute With – Karen Elliot House
<p><em style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 20.799999237060547px;">Global Finance sits down with Karen Elliott House, pulitzer-prize winning journalist, Dow Jones & Co vet, and author of On Saudi Arabia: Its People, Past, Religion, Fault Lines - And Future. Ms House joined GF in its New York offices for our monthly Salon series, which appeared in the March 2013 issue.</em></p>

Treasury Systems Market Shrinks, Treasurers Want More Functionality And Specialization
As the TMS vendor market contracts due to consolidation, current market players are adapting to the new market environment by...

Emerging & Frontier Markets
Global Equity Index % Change, 2003-2012
<p>Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Global Equity Indices measure the US dollar price change in the stock markets covered by the S&P Global Broad Market Index (BMI) and the S&P Frontier Broad Market Index (BMI). The Global BMI consists of ...</p>

Best Countries for Doing Business 2015
<p>The ease with which companies can start and run their businesses correlates with countries’ regulations and protection of property rights, according to the World Bank’s Doing Business 2013 report. In 2013 like in 2012, Singapore ranks first for the ease ...</p>

Back Page: Polls and Stats – Key US Economic Indicators Are Starting To Rebalance
“Pent-up demand is now showing up in key indicators. In pole position is the US economy, where multiple indicators show...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
Emerging Markets Roundup: Africa
NEW OIL REFINERY TO NEARLY DOUBLE NIGERIA’S OUTPUT By Antonio Guerrero Aliko Dangote, head of the Dangote Group and ranked as Africa’s wealthiest man, will invest up to $8 billion to build a new oil refinery complex in his ...

Emerging Markets Roundup: India
STRONG RESPONSE TO NEW BANKING LICENSES By Aaron Chaze As of early May nearly 100 Indian corporate entities have expressed interest in the Reserve Bank of India’s invitation for applications for new bank licenses. Photo Credits: RUPA / ...

Frontier Markets Focus: Estonia
ODD MAN OUT By Dan Keeler One of the few frontier markets to adopt the euro, Estonia has proved to be a beacon of hope in a region of uncertainty. Estonia is on a healthy trajectory. Economic ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
Milestones: Japan Joins Talks On World’s Biggest Free-Trade Zone
MILESTONES: GLOBAL By Erik Heinrich Japan has been invited to participate in negotiations that extend the reach of Nafta into South America and the Asia Pacific region. Other members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), expected to be the world’s ...

Milestones: Luxembourg Opens Up Once-Sacred Banking Sector
MILESTONES: LUXEMBOURG By Forrest Jones Another tax haven is set to unveil its operations, this time in Western Europe. Luxembourg recently agreed to share confidential banking details belonging to multinational companies with its neighbors. The move, which will help ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets
Milestones: National Front Wins Contested Election
MILESTONES: MALAYSIA By Thomas Clouse Malaysia’s National Front coalition will extend its 56-year reign by another five years after maintaining its parliamentary majority in a tightly contested and controversial election. The National Front, a group of political parties led ...