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Economics, Policy & Regulation

Pro-Mainland Party Gets Boost From China

Chinese president Xi Jinping met with Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou on November 7 in Singapore, the first time leaders from the two governments have come together since 1949.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Renminbi Takes A Hit As Trade Volumes Fall

Capital Markets | Renminbi The renminbi dropped a position in October, going from fourth to fifth, in terms of its use as a currency for international payments, according to the latest SWIFT Renminbi Tracker report.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Slavery Act Puts Company Reputations On The Line

Management | Corporate Governance With the enactment of the Modern Slavery Act in October, the United Kingdom has made a new addition to the growing body of compliance regulations sprouting up globally.


An Executive Perspective Of Europe

Much has changed in the global economy during the last few years, and Europe has been front and center of that shift. So, what do North American executives think of Europe’s business climate today?


Best Global Brands 2015

The American Marketing Association defines a “brand” as “a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.” Some marketing researchers assert that brands are one of the most valuable assets that a company has.
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Preparing For A Changing World

2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the catastrophic crisis that rolled through global markets threatening financial Armageddon until, at the second attempt, the US government coordinated an effective rescue plan. The most malignant parts of the financial sector were variously ...
The tax wedge is the ratio of total labor taxes to total labor costs. It is often lower for families with children and single parents with children than for individuals or couples without children. The tax wedge has an impact on employment growth.


Household Tax Rates

The tax wedge is the ratio of total labor taxes to total labor costs. It is often lower for families with children and single parents with children than for individuals or couples without children. The tax wedge has an impact on employment growth.


Personal Income Tax Rates

The OECD defines tax as a compulsory unrequited payment to the government. A taxable base is the base amount on which the tax rate is applied—such as corporate income, personal income, or property.


Countries by Income Group

Major international organizations classify countries by different factors. One criterion that is often used is gross national income (GNI) per capita – the dollar value of a country’s final income in a year, divided by its population
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UK Payments: National Vision, Global Possibilities

UK payments infrastructure is in a time of great change – presenting an opportunity for those banks that are at the forefront of these changes to enable a wider choice of payment options to consumer customers while offering a wider ...