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Shoring Up the Supply Chain Mix Reduces Risks

Much has been made of the rush to reshore manufacturing operations by US and European companies over the past couple of years, but very few have brought significant production back home, and those that have, to much fanfare, have also done so in China, India and other markets.


Local Terrorism Coverage Beats Global

Although there have been no attacks or payouts in the 12 years since its original passage, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act in the US is set for renewal again, despite the fact that it was only intended as a temporary measure to protect the commercial insurance market and its customers following the attack on the Twin Towers.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


RUSSIA/CHINA<br /> The recent raft of Chinese investments into Russia following president Putin’s May visit to Shanghai might look like a rapid response to counter Western sanctions.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Sukuk Gaining Ground In Africa

Nigeria’s first shariah-compliant bond, a $62 million issue by Osun state late last year, could be the start of an Islamic finance boom in Africa.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance


COVER STORY: CRYPTOCURRENCIES<br /> Still in their infancy, cryptocurrencies could change the way that companies manage payments for the goods and services that are the essence of global trade. As the bitcoin surge picks up momentum, corporate financial executives are wondering what it means for their business and how they can manage the risk of adopting—or not adopting—digital currencies.



“Bob Diamond exists to make money for Bob Diamond, whatever he says. This isn’t to help develop Africa, it’s to make money for Bob Diamond and his partners.”


Madagascar Seeks Stability and Emerging Markets Status

Madagascar’s new prime minister, Kolo Christophe Laurent Roger, has vowed to revive the island’s economy, helping it become a true emerging market, and reinforces the promise of president Hery Rajaonarimampianina, when he was elected in December 2013, to lure foreign investors and tourists back to Madagascar.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

A Climate of Risk

Weird weather presents major problems for supply chains, and 77% of companies believe climate change has the potential to significantly affect their revenue.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Middle East FDI: Infrastructure Boom

MIDDLE EAST 2014 SUPPLEMENT By Gilly Wright The Arab Spring dissuaded many companies from investing in the Middle East-North Africa...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

US: Elon Musk Makes Power Play

NEWSMAKERS By Gilly Wright Dubbed by his supporters a gifted visionary, engineer and CEO Elon Musk is not afraid to...