Global Finance magazine has announced its 25th annual awards for the World’s Best Banks. The honorees for Western Europe are presented here.

A full report on the selections will appear in the May issue of Global Finance, with winners chosen in nearly 150 countries across Africa, Asia-Pacific, Central & Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, North America and Western Europe. The May report will also feature selections for the Best US Regional Banks and the World’s Best Banks by Region.
The overall Best Bank in the World will be announced in the summer and published in the October issue, along with the Best Global Banks in 14 key categories. The winners of this year’s awards are those banks that attended carefully to their customers’ needs in difficult markets and accomplished better results while laying the foundations for future success.
All selections were made by the editors of Global Finance after extensive consultations with corporate financial executives, bankers and banking consultants, and analysts throughout the world. In selecting these top banks, Global Finance considered factors that range from the quantitative objective to the informed subjective. In addition, a poll of Global Finance’s corporate readership was conducted in order to increase the accuracy and reliability of the results.
Banks were invited to submit entries supporting their selection. Objective criteria considered included: growth in assets, profitability, geographic reach, strategic relationships, new business development and innovation in products. Subjective criteria included the opinions of equity analysts, credit rating analysts, banking consultants and others involved in the industry.
“At a time of unprecedented change in the financial services industry, Global Finance’s annual Best Bank Awards continue to deliver a consistent evaluation of financial industry performance, whether in developing products to meet emerging financing needs or designing digital platforms that speed and enhance services,” said Joseph D. Giarraputo, publisher and editorial director of Global Finance. “The winners are world-class leaders, responding adeptly to shifting political winds, new technologies and changing market conditions.”
Best Banks In Western Europe 2018
Regional Winner – ING
Country | Bank |
Andorra |
Mora Banc |
Austria |
BAWAG Group |
Belgium |
BNP Paribas |
Cyprus |
Hellenic Bank |
Denmark |
Nordea Bank |
Finland |
OP Financial Group |
France |
Germany |
Commerzbank |
Greece |
Eurobank Ergasias |
Iceland |
Landsbankinn |
Ireland |
Bank of Ireland |
Italy |
Intesa Sanpaolo |
Liechtenstein |
Liechtensteinische Landesbank |
Luxembourg |
Banque Internationale a Luxembourg |
Malta |
Bank of Valletta |
Monaco |
CFM Indosuez Wealth |
Netherlands |
ABN Amro Bank |
Norway |
Nordea Bank |
Portugal |
Banco Santander Totta |
Spain |
CaixaBank |
Sweden |
Swedbank |
Switzerland |
UK |
Lloyds Bank |
Press releases listing the winners can be found via the links below below and a full report on the selections will appear in the May issue of Global Finance, which will include the following:
World’s Best Banks In Africa 2018
World’s Best Banks In Asia-Pacific 2018
World’s Best Banks In Central And Eastern Europe 2018
World’s Best Banks In Latin America 2018
World’s Best Banks In North America 2018
World’s Best Banks US Regional 2018
World’s Best Banks Overall Regional 2018
World’s Best Banks In The Middle East 2018
*** When referencing this release, please include a link to and a link to coverage of the awards at’s-best-banks-2018/as well as the ‘About Global Finance’ paragraph below. Thank you.
About Global Finance
Global Finance, founded in 1987, has a circulation of 50,050 and readers in 189 countries. Its circulation is audited by BPA.Global Finance’saudience includes chairmen, presidents, CEOs, CFOs, treasurers and other senior financial officers responsible for making investment and strategic decisions at multinational companies and financial institutions.Global Finance’swebsite — — offers analysis and articles that are the legacy of 31 years of experience in international financial markets, and provides a valuable source of data on 192 countries.Global Financeis headquartered in New York, with offices in London and Milan.
For editorial information please contact:
Andrea Fiano|
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Chris Giarraputo |
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