Global Finance Names The Best Regional Digital Banks In The Middle East 2021
Global Finance has announced the Best Regional Islamic Digital Banks in the Middle East as part of its 22nd Annual World’s Best Digital Bank Awards program. Also revealed for the first time were the World’s Best Global and Regional Corporate/Institutional Digital Banks and Consumer Digital Banks and the overall Global Sub-category honorees.

All winners were announced at Global Finance’s Middle East Digital Bank and Innovators Awards Ceremony at the Ritz-Carlton DIFC in Dubai on November 2nd. Winning digital banks in individual Middle Eastern countries were also recognized at the event and were published in the September 2021 issue.
A full report will appear in the December 2021 print and digital editions of Global Finance and online at GFMag.com.
“With the global pandemic forcing people to conduct their personal and professional banking activities from their phones, tablets and computers, digital banking took on an importance and prevalence far beyond anything that had come before,” said Joseph Giarraputo, publisher and editorial director of Global Finance. “Banks were forced to respond to this drastically altered landscape, and those that met the challenge most successfully are being honored as Global Finance’s World’s Best Digital Banks 2021.”
Global Finance’s World’s Best Digital Bank Awards are based on submissions from banks that wish to be considered. This year, nearly 300 individual banks from around the world entered the competition. Only banks that entered the competition were considered for awards, and awards were only given in those regions, countries and categories in which there were entries.
The awards judging panel was comprised of representatives from Infosys, a global leader in consulting, technology and outsourcing solutions. Based on the judge’s evaluations, Global Finance’s editors made the final selections.
Winners were selected based on strength of strategy for attracting and servicing online customers, success in getting clients to use digital offerings, growth of online customer base, breadth of products offered, evidence of tangible benefits gained from digital initiatives, and web site design and functionality. Sub-category winners were selected on the basis of relative strength, products and services.
The list of winners follows.

For editorial information please contact Andrea Fiano, editor: afiano@gfmag.com
About Global Finance
Global Finance, founded in 1987, has a circulation of 50,000 and readers in 193 countries. Global Finance’s audience includes senior corporate and financial officers responsible for making investment and strategic decisions at multinational companies and financial institutions. Its website — GFMag.com — offers analysis and articles that are the legacy of 35 years of experience in international financial markets. Global Finance is headquartered in New York, with offices around the world. Global Finance regularly selects the top performers among banks and other providers of financial services. These awards have become a trusted standard of excellence for the global financial community.
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