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The UHNW Millennial Next Door

Millenial millionaires aren't quite the "millionaire next door" of yore: they come with new attitudes and new futures to carve out.


Western Private Banks Bail on Asias Wealth

"There are three principal ways to lose money: wine, women and engineers. While the first two are more pleasant, the third is by far the more certain", famously said baron Edmond James de Rothschild.


Pakistan Returns to Sukuk Market

With mounting payment obligations and a worsening balance of payments, Pakistan has returned to the Islamic bond market after a two-year hiatus. In early October, Pakistan mopped up $1 billion through a dollar-denominated Islamic bond with a five-year tenure.


Under President Trump, Will Gold Be The New Black?

With billionaire president-elect Donald Trump in the White House, we may be about to witness a revival of bling. Trump has promised to lower taxes on the wealthy, giving them more to spend on everything from Apples (iPad) to zircon ...


World’s Safest Banks 2016: Global Top 50

Global Finance Magazine's16th annual ranking of the World's Safest Banks illustrates how sovereign rating upgrades impact the perceived strengthof a country's financial institutions.