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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Company To Watch: Hyundai Heavy Industries

COMPANY TO WATCH: RISING SHIP ORDERS LIFT HYUNDAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES By Gordon Platt The growth in world trade, as well as higher cargo rates, has triggered a surge in orders for new containerships. The trend is boosting ...


Corporate Toolbox: Cyber Security

CYBERSECURITY: HIDDEN THREAT By Anita Hawser Recent increases in cyberattacks have raised alarming questions over corporate network security. In February 2010 the Kneber botnet virus infected more than 70,000 computers globally, including some at US government ...

Country Report

Country Report: Angola

ANGOLA: ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY By Dan Keeler Ravaged by a 27-year civil war and buffeted by the recent global financial crisis, Angola has suffered more than its fair share of challenges. Undaunted, its leaders are striving ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

DR News: Record US Listings for Chinese Firms

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: DR NEWS By Gordon Platt China-based companies listed on US exchanges in record numbers in 2010 and were among the best-performing initial public offerings, although many had trouble holding on to their first-day gains. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DRs: IPOs Smash Quarterly Record

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Denise Bedell It was a benchmark year for the global IPO markets, in more ways than one. In the last quarter of 2010, IPOs broke records in terms of issuance ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

EM News: Equity Markets To See More Growth

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: NEWS By Anita Hawser Emerging market equities look set to enjoy another strong year in 2011 on the back of robust economic growth fueled by domestic consumption and a recovery in exports. "Emerging equities are ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Fast And Loose

COVER STORY: GAIN OR PAIN By Paula L. Green In their headlong rush to set up operations in the fast-growing emerging markets, many Western companies are failing to take full account of the risks involved. The consequences could ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Russia: Playing Catch-Up To Fellow BRICs

MILESTONES: RUSSIA By Laurence Neville Russia spent much of 2010 in the doldrums. Russia: Poised for significant growth While its fellow BRICs—Brazil, India and China—stormed ahead, Russia lagged behind. The causes of its lethargy were varied, but ...

Award Winners

Biggest Emerging Market Banks 2010

ANNUAL SURVEY: EM 200 By Dan Keeler Regional powerhouses in Asia and Latin America continue to build their presence as their markets recover strongly from the global recession. While much of the developed world continues to wrestle ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

China: China Passes US In CleanTech Spend

MILESTONES: CHINA By Denise Bedell High energy: Government targets boost windpower With strong government backing and clear goals for increased capacity development, China is fast surpassing its counterparts in the West, including the US and Germany, in building ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Demand For Hedging Surges

FOCUS: COMMODITY RISK By Michael Shari Renewed turmoil in Europe, supply shortages and the growing impact of financial investors are driving renewed demand for commodities hedging. For most of 2010, producers and consumers of many commodities had ...