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US: Nuclear Energy Central To Policy

MILESTONES: UNITED STATES By Gordon Platt Panic-stricken residents of Western US states cleared pharmacy shelves of potassium iodide tablets last month, amid fears that radiation from Japan’s nuclear crisis could reach the West Coast. Obama: No plans ...


Britains Big Gamble

FOCUS: UK RECOVERY STRATEGY By Justin Keay The UK government’s savage spending cuts and deep austerity measures have been touted as a model recovery strategy for stumbling Western economies. Faltering growth is raising questions over the strategy’s validity. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX: Concerns Linger After Currency War

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE By Matt Greco Things may not look quite as bleak as they did a couple of months ago when there was talk—however irresponsible—of currency wars as trade war by other means, but international ...

Editor's Letter

An Eerie Sense Of Déjà Vu

In our cover story this month we take a sobering look at the prospects for the year ahead, and what we find is eerily familiar...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Demand For Hedging Surges

FOCUS: COMMODITY RISK By Michael Shari Renewed turmoil in Europe, supply shortages and the growing impact of financial investors are driving renewed demand for commodities hedging. For most of 2010, producers and consumers of many commodities had ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DRs: BRIC Countries To Lead DRs in 2011

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS — GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS: CORPORATE FINANCE FOCUS By Gordon Platt Coming off the bailout of Ireland, and with several other European countries denying they need outside help, the outlook for the financial markets in 2011 is ...


Fear Factor

COVER STORY: THE NEW RISKS By Laurence Neville Last year the global economy dodged some scary-looking bullets. This year it might not be so lucky. As volatile and unnerving as it was, 2010 provided a welcome respite ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Fed Pulls Rug Out From Under Dollar

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE By Gordon Platt Although the Federal Reserve's main focus is not the dollar, which is the purview of the US Treasury Department, it had to know that its $600 billion asset- purchase plan ...


Regional Report: Southern Europe

COVER STORY: LIVING ON THE EDGE By Laurence Neville Southern Europe's sovereign debt crisis may appear to have been resolved, but severe trials still lie ahead—particularly for Greece. The travails of Southern Europe—in particular Spain, Portugal and ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Europe: SEPA Fails To Live Up To Expectations

MILESTONE: EUROPE By Anita Hawser Slow implementation has hindered SEPA With the threat of sovereign defaults in Europe's PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece Spain), the eurozone had its fair share of bad news this summer. As the sovereign and ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX: The Rising Euro

RALLY CAUSES CONCERN AMONG EXPORTERS By Jonathan Gregson After a year in the doldrums, the euro's rise has caught many by surprise. Europe currently looks like the unintended fall guy amidst the beggar-thy-neighbor round of central bank ...