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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Middle East: Say Dubai To Caution

MILESTONES By Justin Keay Its only four years since the global economic slowdown plunged Dubai into a major debt crisis...


Central Banker Report Cards 2013

‘A’ FOR EFFORT, ‘B-’ FOR RESULTS By Antonio Guerrero, Anita Hawser and Gordon Platt Global Finance presents its annual report on the performance of the world’s central bank governors. There are a lot of new faces among ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX: Recovery In Europe No Threat To Dollar

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS By Gordon Platt A cyclical economic recovery is under way in the UK and the eurozone, but it won’t be strong enough to boost the euro against the dollar, analysts say. They expect the ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Islamic Financial Institutions 2013: Regional Winners

World’s Best Islamic Financial Institutions 2013: Regional Winners Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Al Rajhi Bank Non-GCC Middle East/Africa Al Baraka Bank Asia Maybank Islamic Berhad Europe Bank of London and the Middle East GULF COOPERATION COUNCIL Al Rajhi Bank According ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Islamic Financial Institutions 2013: Country Winners

<p>World’s Best Islamic Financial Institutions 2013: Country Winners Algeria Banque Al Baraka D’Algérie Bahrain Al Baraka Islamic Bank Bahrain Bangladesh Islamic Bank Bangladesh Brunei Darussalam Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam Egypt Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt Indonesia Bank Muamalat Indonesia Jordan ...</p>


Interview: Riad Salameh on Lebanon

LEBANON: RESTAKING ITS CLAIM AS A FINANCIAL HUB By Gordon Platt Global Finance interviews Lebanon’s central bank governor, Riad Salameh. Riad Salameh has been Lebanon’s central bank governor for the past 20 years. He is credited with ...

Award Winners

World’s Best Banks 2013: Middle East

By Thomas Clouse, Jonathan Gregson, Antonio Guerrero & Gordon Platt CONSERVATIVE LENDING AND RECORD EARNINGS IN THE MIDDLE EAST Many of the largest banks in the Middle East posted record earnings in 2012, as they continued to pursue conservative lending ...


Emerging Markets Roundup: Middle East

CLIFFORD CHANCE TO OPEN SAUDI PARTNERSHIP By Gordon Platt Clifford Chance is the first global law firm to receive approval from Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry to create a Saudi-foreign legal partnership in the kingdom. Photo ...


Middle East 2013: Jordans Uphill Battle

BRIDGING THE GAPS By Gordon Platt Jordan has a difficult road ahead as it implements economic and political reforms as part of an IMF loan package and deals with the spillover from unrest in neighboring countries. Jordan’s ...


Middle East 2013: Transition Economies

DEFYING EXPECTATIONS By Gordon Platt For many, the Arab Spring symbolizes years of painful economic and political reforms ahead. But financial institutions are upbeat about the region’s prospects, noting that markets such as Iraq and Libya continue to ...


Country Report: Lebanon

DRAGGING A GEOPOLITICAL ANCHOR By Justin Keay There were few bright spots for Lebanon over the past year. However, the banking and real estate sectors showed encouraging signs, and a recovery has begun. Despite their traditional stoicism, ...