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Antigua and Barbuda

Includes historical data for Antigua and Barbuda’s Gross Domestic Product growth, debt-to-GDP ratio and more, as well as information on trade, banking and financial sector leadership.

Tourism And Financial Services Power Economy

The economy of this island nation in the Caribbean thrives on a robust tourism industry, strong financial services and exports of agricultural products. With just 100,000 inhabitants and a relatively high GDP per capita, over 50% of all non-tax revenue also stems from its Citizenship by Investment program via contributions to the National Development Fund or the purchase of real estate. To diversify the economic landscape, the government actively welcomes foreign direct investment (FDI), allowing for full control of investment and ownership. Yet, despite the potential in information technology, renewable energy and agro-processing businesses, FDI inflows have remained moderate.

Weaknesses include the over-reliance on tourism, and food and energy imports. Additional concerns are posed by the threat of extreme weather events such as hurricanes. Further, as a major offshore hub and promoter of citizenship through investment schemes, the country serves as a potential intersection of financial crimes and other wrongdoings.

Macroeconomy & Sovereign Data

Type of Government Parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy; a Commonwealth realm
Capital St. Johns
Sovereign Ratings S&P: Not rated
Moody’s: Not rated
Fitch: Not rated
Total Population 104,000
Median Age 35.9
Adult Per Capita Income (PPP) 26,753.30
Total GDP (2023) 2.1 billion

Antigua and Barbuda GDP & Economic Overview

Most Recent Content

Banking & Finance

Trade & Investment

Total Exports USD 1.7 billion (2022)
Leading Exports Refined Petroleum
Gas Turbines
Aircraft Parts
Durum Wheat
Total Imports USD 2.5 billion (2023)
Leading Imports Refined Petroleum
Recreational Boats
Source: World Integrated Trade Solution

Antigua and Barbuda Leading Companies

Antigua Commercial Bank (ACB) Financials
Antigua Distillery Consumer Staples, Distillers
The Antigua Public Utilities Authority Utilities

Major Trade Partners — Import

United States 48%
China 7%
Japan 4%
Trinidad and Tobago 4%
Curação 3%

Major Trade Partners — Export

United Arab Emirates 53%
United States 10%
Netherlands 8%
Saint Maarten (Dutch part) 6%
St. Lucia 3%

Data Sources:

IMF World Economic Outlook

UN World Population Prospects

World Inequality Report

S&P Global Ratings


Fitch Ratings

IMF Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)

UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

CIA The World Factbook

World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution

Forbes Global 2000
