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Economics, Policy & Regulation

Poland: Welcoming Europe Back In

Almost two months after his center-left coalition swept October’s parliamentary elections, Donald Tusk was finally sworn in as Poland’s new...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Serbia: Reforms Pay Off

When Serbia hits the news headlines, it is usually for the wrong reasons. Look a little closer however, and another—quite...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Qatar: Projecting Power

Qatar is rich and getting richer. The tiny Persian Gulf state boasts a per capita GDP that is one of...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Panama: Mining Protests Threaten FDI

Panama’s environmental protests are winding down, but road blockages continue to cause losses of $200 million a day. Ongoing droughts...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

The Growth Split

Why economic conditions are spurring growth in some regions and shrinkage in others. Conventional economic wisdom holds that countries with...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Finland: The Fight For Immigration

Finland’s top industry chiefs have reacted with dismay at new and far-reaching anti-immigration policies emanating from Prime Minister Antti Petteri...