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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Asset Valuations | Shaping The Next Generation Of Corporate Leaders

Asset valuation is one of a chief financial officer’s core functions. CFOs are regularly asked about the value of a company’s shares, assets and subsidiaries, as well as that of companies and assets targeted for potential acquisition. Yet increasingly, companies ...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Cryptocurrencies Face Bans, More Regulations

Countries like Algeria, Morocco, Bolivia, Ecuador, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal and Bangladesh have all issued bans—or at least begun the process—on bitcoin and other alternative currencies, in order to stamp out tax evasion and irresponsible trading.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Worst-Case Brexit Could Cost UK $65 Billion

According to a Cambridge Econometrics report a “hard Brexit,” in which the country would leave both the EU customs union and the single market, could cost the UK almost half a million jobs and about $64.7 billion in investment by 2030.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Caterpillar, IRS And The US Tax Conundrum

Theconstruction-equipment giant finds itself at the center of a tax controversy involving the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the impact of US tax reforms on domestic and international companies.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

French President Macron Takes Diplomatic Lead

The UK’s decision to leave the EU and the dwindling strength of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who saw her party diminished in Germany’s recent federal elections, have given Macron a rare chance to bolster French influence.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Lego Expects More Profit After IP Win In China

An intellectual property (IP) rights’ victory in China for the Danish toymakerwill also give comfort to other Western consumer-goods companies struggling with similar issues.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Regulation | Tax-Gap Blues

The Paradise Papers leak prompted yet more indignation about corporate tax avoidance, and cash-strapped governments claim to be tackling the issue. What will it mean for corporates?


US Digital Policy | Weaving A Complex Web

The repeal of net neutrality sparked immediate political response from consumers, but its impact on business will be complicated, and take time to unfold and to absorb.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Japan Cuts Corporate Tax To Spur Growth, Investments

Japanapproved new carrot-and-stick tax measures to bring corporate tax down to 25% for companies that raise wages by 3%, and to as low as 20% for those that invest in new technologies such as ICT andinternet-of-things, on Thursday.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Post-Mugabe, Can Zimbabwe Rebuild?

After 37 years of autocratic rule under former President Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe has been left broke. Rebuilding promises to be a long, costly and tough process.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Scandinavia | Taxing Time For Tesla

Norway's new tax plan could double electric-vehicle unit costs, and add as much as $9,975 to the retail price of the Tesla Model X.