Many people are responsible for creating and sustaining
Global Finance
. Carl Burgen was
Global Finance
‘s founding editora position he kept for 10 years. Carl’s defining characteristic was his commitment to journalistic integrity. His influence remains with us. Launch investors were a pair of gentlemanly entrepreneurs named Stephen Spahn and Allen Fernald.
Global Finance
came out on the day of the crash in 1987. The crash decimated financial advertising and our cash flow. Stephen and Allen sweated it out with us.
But sweat will get you only so far: In our case it got us to Terry McGraw, now the CEO of McGraw-Hill. He recognized the significance of globalization, decided we were a good fit and entered a joint venture to publish
Global Finance
. McGraw-Hill brought efficiencies and time to strengthen our business model.
When the joint venture ended, Paolo Panerai and his Class Editori publishing group stepped up to fund a buyout. The move seemed well timedwe were producing record issues. Then the Thai baht crashed, and the ensuing Asian Financial Crisis wiped out 25% of our sales. But Paolo had signed up for the long haul and has stayed with us when we needed support.
There were more. Editors Mark Johnson, Dan Keeler and now Andrea Fiano have made their mark. Advertising salesmen Andrew Claflin and Richard Scholtz made an adventure of cajoling advertisers from dozens of countries into the magazineadvertisers without whom we would not exist. Chris Giarraputo has kept his steady hand on circulation and production while being our internal entrepreneur. Thanks to them and hundreds of others.
Joseph Giarraputo
Founder and Publisher,
Global Finance
Every magazine, as much as it looks like a finished product when it is published, is really a living creature. Every day we keep our eyes and ears to the world, and every day there are small or large changes to what we have written the day before or were about to report on. We look at trends and developments. We follow a new leader or a new financial institution and try to understand what happened to a specific project or a stated goal. Now, for a moment, imagine having done that for the past 25 years. Every single day for nearly 9,000 days.
It takes perseverance and flexibility, of course. But primarily, it takes teamwork. Over the past 25 years many reporters and editors, art directors and proofreaders and other professionals have worked for this magazine. And many extremely capable editors have preceded me in this specific role.
Today we salute all of them and their efforts, and we thank our readers. If it weren’t for all of them, we wouldn’t celebrate today. Their contribution has been, still is and certainly will be crucial to everything that makes
Global Finance
a vibrant reality and a monthly event.
Andrea Fiano
Global Finance