Working at a modern media outlet with a website, Twitter feed and the rest of it, we at Global Finance easily get caught up in the tumult of fresh content.
APRIL 2016 | VOL. 30 NO. 4

Yet with deep roots as a monthly print publication, we also have a long-standing dedication to thoughtful consideration of deep and slow-moving trends.
Often, when we attend some forecast presentation at one of Wall Street’s investment or brokerage houses, a contrarian will focus on the positive long-term trends in an otherwise negative environment, or vice versa. We believe this is not just a marketing tool or a touch of forced optimism, but rather a big-picture approach that pays off over time. Challenging as immediate conditions might be in one specific area—and lately, often in more than one area—strategic management must take into account long-term transformational shifts.
Our cover story this month raises a red flag against excess short-termism, as does our piece on forex volatility. As much as quarterly or annual performance is relevant to financial health, whether of a company or an economy, long-term performance is the more important calculus.
In Memoriam: Tom Leander
As we were going to press we heard of the tragic and sudden loss of our Asia correspondent, Tom Leander. Based in Hong Kong but born and raised in the US, Tom was not simply a great journalist, but a great human being. He was a friend, colleague and mentor, who set an example with the depth of his knowledge and insight on financial matters. A gifted amateur composer, on the night before he passed he was delighted to learn that one of his compositions would be featured in a competition. Some of Tom’s last stories are in this issue, and they represent the kind of journalist that Tom was until the final minute of his life: hard-working, accurate, knowledgeable and enthusiastic. A pleasure to work with, he will be sorely missed at Global Finance and by his many friends. Our thoughts are with his wife, Rose, and his daughters.

Andrea Fiano | Editor