At a recent meeting in Istanbul, Global Finance brought together some of the key figures in Turkeys banking and finance industry to discuss the countrys prospects.
Global Finance: Will recent improvements in Turkeys economic fortunes prove sustainable in the long term?
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Serdengecti: By applying the present policies, we can achieve better results in the future |
Sureyya Serdengecti,
governor, Central Bank of Turkey: Important lessons have been learned from stabilization programs in the past that have failed; probably that explains why this final stabilization program has been successful. For the first time, all areas of the program went hand in hand. Also, there was nowhere else to go compared with the past; the government could no longer deviate from its track of strict fiscal policy.
Levent Celebioglu,
financial institutions assistant general manager, Trk Ekonomi Bankasi: This time we have a very stable political environment. We have a single-party government that respects what the bureaucrats are doing, so the bureaucrats, the politicians and the private sector are working in harmony.
Hayri Culhaci,
executive vice president, strategic planning, Akbank: Having a strong, independent central bank has helped a lot. For the first time in our history we have a central bank that is seriously enabled to control inflation.
Erkan Uysal,
head of research department, Capital Markets Board of Turkey: International developments have helped, too. Due to the low levels of return in developed countries, international funds are flowing to emerging markets, which has helped them finance current deficit and restore stability.
Hakan Ates,
president and CEO, DenizBank: Theres a long way to go.
Sustainability of this condition requires three changes: tax reform, social security reform and privatization. If necessary, deregulation and structural reforms should come next to maintain the sustainability of these conditions.
Hseyin Imece,
executive vice president, Yapi Kredi: The economic achievements are very impressive, but a good part of this can be seen as normalization after a long period of chronic instability and crisis. But it might be difficult to maintain the existing successful environment. While the banking system has cleaned up in the last three or four years, the corporate sector has not yet.
Zeki nder,
executive vice president, Sekerbank: We have to also give credit to the people. The single-party government became successful implementing the economic plan, but from time to time they wanted to follow their own agenda, and it was always public pressureand the marketsthat brought them back on the path.
Neslihan Tombul,
managing director and senior representative,
The Bank of New York: Success has to be homegrown. Even though the IMF and the EU served as very important anchors in setting Turkey on a straight path, most of the work was done inside Turkey. We should not rely too much on the IMF and EU if we want it to be sustainable and permanent.
GF: How can Turkey balance the fact that it occupies a neighborhood that is politically challenging while at the same time offering significant economic potential for Turkish companies and banks?
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Trade with our neighboring countries has helped us to overcome the crisis, and of course it will continue to be so. Nevertheless, there is unrest in some neighboring areas, which of course is harmful for our economy, but hopefully it will get better soon.
Turkey enjoys very friendly relations, politically and economically, with most of the countries surrounding it. There is a lot of activity in the region that both Turkey and its neighbors are benefiting from. Theres room to grow here as well. Politically it enjoys favorable relationships, even though it can be a difficult neighborhood at times.
There is huge potential for trade with the countries around us, particularly Iran and Iraq. Before the Iran-Iraq war, these two were among Turkeys top-five trading partners. With the slowdown in Europe, exporters are starting to look at these markets, which within three years could represent as much as 25% of our foreign trade.
I think the challenges outweigh opportunities for Turkey, especially with Syria, Iran and Iraq. In the long run, yes, there are opportunities there, but in the short run there will be more challenges.
From a banking point of view, there are enormous opportunities in the future, but in the short run we are not totally able to take that opportunity because of the risk concerns. Having a firm foothold in Turkey, though, will give a bank strong potential across the region as those countries become more stable.
We have connections with our neighbors, culturally, ethnically and historically, so Turkeys efforts should be guided by a focus on their well-being. The more prosperous they are, the better partners they become for us.
GF: Is it fair to describe Turkeys accession to the EU as far in the future and painful but inevitable?
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There are all kinds of opinions on how long it will take, but the process will be politically and economically extremely beneficial for Turkey. Its a very healthy process.
Look at other members that resembled Turkeys profile, like Spain and Greece and Portugal. They had very similar issues to deal with, and they have become rising stars within Europereal success stories.
Turkey is already a part of the European Economic Union because we have the customs unionwe have all the benefits of that economic environmentbut we are not in the social part. I believe in the long run Turkey will become part of the social union as well.
Europe has to show more that they are willing and sincere to accept Turkey as a full member in the future. There is mutual benefit to Turkey and Europe, and also it will contribute to global stability if Turkey becomes a full member. If sincerity is established, I believe it is not painful and far in the future.
Serdengecti: The process of the next 10 years is more important than the eventual outcome itself. We have to make the public conscious that we simply have to do all of this social reform for ourselves, not because Europeans want it.
The process itself is very important to our country, but theres a big chance for Europe, too. It is inevitable both for Europe and Turkey, but it doesnt necessarily need to be painful.
It is clear that Europe will have many benefits from taking Turkey within the unioneconomically, politically, socially. The common wisdom for Europe says that Turkey is inevitable for the future of Europe.
GF: What can be done to attract even more FDI to Turkey?
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The low inflation environment was important, and that has already been mostly achieved and seems sustainable. Now its up to the government to reduce bureaucracy and give some incentives for FDI.
Brazil allows all FDI, but its not creating any foreign currency for the country, and the profit transfers cause big deficits on the countrys balance of payments Should Turkey impose rules that FDI should create foreign currency? Secondly, why should FDI come to Turkey? Price and cost stability is not enough. Turkey is an attractive market, but there are other countries such as Bulgaria or Romania, where utilities and labor are far cheaper than Turkey.
There are still a lot of inefficiencies in the market that represent opportunities for foreign investors. There is a huge potentialin the local market more so than exporting. Theres a huge young population70% is under 30but unfortunately they dont have high disposable incomes. But there is a lack of transparency here, and the rule of law has always been sort of nebulous.
We may be nearly there in terms of macro stability, but we need to create a fairer playing field. Without corporate sector restructuring, it will be very difficult for international companies to compete fairly. An efficient and competent bureaucracy also is neededand a well-functioning legal environment.
Ates: If you look at FDI from a banking sector perspective, foreign banks may first improve the quality and availability of financial services in the domestic market and stimulate the development of the supervisory and legal frameworkbut there is evidence that the non-interest income and overall expenses of domestic banks are negatively affected by foreign bank entry. Because foreign banks pay relatively low taxes, they have an incentive to shift profits out of high-tax jurisdictions. Foreign banks may cause a lowering of credit standards by increasing competition and may suddenly cut their domestic activities when faced with problems at home. The same could apply for companies in any other industry.
Moderated by Joseph Giarraputo