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Emerging & Frontier Markets

Company To Watch: KGHM POLSKA MIEDŹ / Poland

POLISH COPPER, SILVER MINER ROLLS WITH THE PUNCHES By Gordon Platt After KGHM Polska Mied reported that its third-quarter 2011 profits had tripled from the same period a year earlier, the Polish government immediately announced a significant increase in ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Toolkit: Contingency Planning

PLANNING FOR THE EURO CRISIS By Jonathan Gregson Given the massive financial and contractual impacts of any breakup of the eurozone, it is only to be expected that international companies with European operations, or ties to Europe are ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Debt: Sprint Leads New Issuance Rebound

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: CORPORATE DEBT By Gordon Platt New-issuance volume in the US high-yield market rose sharply in November, led by a $4 billion, two-part offering from Sprint Nextel, the third-largest US mobile network operator. The Kansas company ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

DR News: Unsponsored ADR Market To Slow

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: DR NEWS By Gordon Platt New unsponsored American depositary receipt (ADR) program creation is likely to slow down in the short to medium term, according to a report by Celent, a Boston-based financial research and consulting ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

DRs: New China Life Raises $1.9 Billion

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: GLOBAL EQUITY/DRS By Gordon Platt New China Life Insurance raised $1.9 billion in an initial public offering in Hong Kong and Shanghai in December, but it was forced to price the issue at the bottom of ...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

EM News: Mexican Exchange Woos High-Frequency Traders

EMERGING MARKETS INVESTOR: NEWS By Gordon Platt The Bolsa Mexicana de Valores exchange in Mexico City says it will introduce faster trading technology by the middle of 2012 in an effort to attract more high-frequency traders. BMV says ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Environmental Risk Insurance

ENVIRONMENTAL INSURANCE: GLOBAL EXPOSURE MANAGEMENT By Anita Hawser Environmental risk insurers are offering more sophisticated solutions and a broader range of coverage amounts. A fire broke out at a chemical plant in Moerdijk, Netherlands, in January 2011. ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

FX: Eurozone Plan Is A Start

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE By Gordon Platt Another EU summit ended in December with agreement on a new fiscal compact for the eurozone, but like previous efforts to rescue the common currency, the accord was less than comprehensive, and ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

M&A: Anglo American Controls De Beers

CORPORATE FINANCING NEWS: MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS By Gordon Platt Anglo American, one of the world’s largest mining companies, gained a long-coveted majority stake in diamond mining company De Beers, in one of two M&A deals that the British firm ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Sector Report: Commodities

COMMODITIES TEST THE BORDERS OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCE By Michael Shari Commodity producers are turning to specialized banks that are willing to take multiple layers of risk in private deals. Great ideas are born at times like these. ...