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Transaction Banking

Instant Satisfaction

Bank partnerships proliferate as the quest to deliver real-time payments intensifies. But with added speed comes added risk. Why settle...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Mauritius At A Crossroads

The winning party in November’s election will need to navigate growing social turmoil as the island nation seeks to become...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Africa’s Tax Deficit

African governments are not collecting enough taxes to fuel their development plans. Ideas for making up the difference abound; implementing...

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Africa’s Chinese Trade Tie-Up

China continues to dominate trade with the continent. But overlending—and US initiatives to extend its security and investment footprint—are challenging...

Emerging & Frontier Markets

Bhutan: The Happiness Economy

Bhutan is banking on a unique mix of abundant energy, a clean environment, and wellness entrepreneurism to lure foreign investors....

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Searching For A Soft Landing

Inflation is easing and growth is stabilizing, but geopolitical conflicts and fiscal uncertainty still threaten a global soft landing.          ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Corporate Treasurers Proceeding With Caution

Corporate treasury professionals are reassessing investment strategies to stay agile and conserve cash amid interest rate shifts and geopolitical uncertainty....

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

The Treasury Function Gets Strategic

New tools and techniques, including AI and ML, are helping treasurers to optimize cash flow—and giving them a bigger role...