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Award Winners

Safest 25 Banks In China 2017

Global Finance’s ranking includes all 25 Chinese banks that are rated by at least one of the three major credit-rating agencies.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Renminbi Oil Futures To Challenge Petrodollar

These futures would be China’s first such contract open to direct trading by foreign enterprises. If successful, the countrycould create similar contracts for otherstrategic commodities.


Mongolia’s Growth Slows Down

As it accepts bailout money and conditions, Mongolia seeks to develop a long-term economic plan to reduce its dependence on commodities.


Emerging Markets Draw Record Private Equity Funding

Emerging markets took 9% of the global total of $240 billion invested by private capital funds during the the first half of 2017, the highest share since before emerging markets’ sudden fall from grace in 2011.