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Banks Must Embrace New Models To Build Treasurers’ Trust

Corporate treasurers are aware that they must navigate an increasingly complex environment, the BCG and BNP Paribas 2018 Corporate Treasury Survey has revealed. As well as facing new risks – like cyber security, which the survey shows now ranks among ...
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Cloud Banking – Think Big

Artificial intelligence and virtual advisors, authorization of transactions with the use of face or voice identification – it is not...
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Preparing For A Changing World

2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the catastrophic crisis that rolled through global markets threatening financial Armageddon until, at the second attempt, the US government coordinated an effective rescue plan. The most malignant parts of the financial sector were variously ...
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UK Payments: National Vision, Global Possibilities

UK payments infrastructure is in a time of great change – presenting an opportunity for those banks that are at the forefront of these changes to enable a wider choice of payment options to consumer customers while offering a wider ...