Sustainable Finance
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Sustainable Finance
Climate Finance’s Biggest Challenges: Q&A With First Abu Dhabi’s EVP And Chief Sustainability Officer Shargiil Bashir
Shargiil Bashir sat down with Global Finance on the sidelines of COP28 to discuss which economic sectors need to transition...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
ESG Is The New Proxy Frontier
Detractors be damned: For the next generation of proxy advisors, being socially conscious is trendy. “We’re sitting on a wealth...

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How financial institutions can help with the fight against climate change
When it comes to taking the necessary measures to mitigate the worst effects of climate change, action does not come cheap. Introducing the necessary changes to energy production, ensuring more environmentally methods of production and re-tooling existing industries, for example, will come with significant costs. And, unfortunately, a significant proportion of these costs are going to be borne by those least able to afford them.

Sustainable Finance
New Pledges At COP28: Q&A With IMF Deputy Director Fabio Natalucci
IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Deputy Director Fabio Natalucci sat down with Global Finance on the sidelines of COP28 to...

Sustainable Finance
Emirati Banks Top COP28 Green Finance Pledges
Climate finance is one of the hot topics of this year’s COP28 conference in Dubai. On Monday, the United Arab...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance
Switzerland: Glencore Buys Teck’s Steelmaking Coal Unit
Swiss commodities powerhouse Glencore has acquired, pending approval, a majority stake in Elk Valley Resources (EVR), the steelmaking coal unit...

Sustainable Finance
Brazil: Bonds Go Green
When Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva returned to the Brazilian presidency. A year ago, many wondered how the Workers’ Party...

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Mitigating climate change: the role of the Paris Agreement Global Stocktake
When 195 countries signed up to the Paris Agreement in 2015, it seemed the world was finally taking climate change seriously. The commitment to taking the measures necessary to limit the increase in the mean global temperature to a maximum of 1.5 degrees above preindustrial levels seemed a turning point in the fight against climate change.

Sustainable Finance
What Ails Carbon Markets?
The year didn’t begin well for voluntary carbon markets (VCMs). More than 90% of rainforest carbon offset credits approved by...

Sustainable Finance
Demand Rises For Tokenized Green Finance
The COP28 conference offers a real opportunity to rethink how we look at green finance solutions, Atlas Capital Team’s Chief...

Sustainable Finance
A Climate Change Conference Made In Dubai
COP28 will allow the UAE to leave its mark on global climate change negotiations. The 2023 United Nations Climate Change...

Sustainable Finance
Regulators Fight Greenwashing
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is getting serious about greenwashing. The market regulator has amended the Investment Company...

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COP28: A crucial waypoint in the Race to Zero
On 30 November, the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference begins in Dubai. With COP28 taking place in the United Arab Emirates, just one year after COP27 in Egypt, the concerns of developing economies will be at the forefront of the global climate agenda.

Sustainable Finance
ESG Makes Waves In Central America And The Caribbean
As we enter the final weeks of hurricane season, ESG’s impact on business in Central America and the Caribbean may seem as chaotic as the weather.