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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

High-Speed Takeover Bid For Rail Group

Italo Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatoriscrapped its IPO plans to accept a sweet, trans-Atlantic,private-equity deal worth €1.98 billion.

Economics, Policy & Regulation

Taxing Questions

Will the latest US tax reform increase the attractiveness of the United States for foreign companies? Will companies line up to establish or increase operations in the US? And, if so, will this force other developed economies to follow suit ...

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Telecom, Tech Deals Fuel Merger Boom In India

Political stability, a fast-growing economy and a sustained program of economic reformsare among the reasons for the feverish pace of takeover activity in the south Asian republic.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Venezuela Skirts US Sanctions By Issuing The Petro

To get around sanctions, Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro is issuing an oil-and-reserves-backedcryptocurrency. If it succeeds, the ICO should provide the government with access to $6 billion. But cryptos are dicey.


New German Finance Minister Might End Euro-Austerity

Olaf Scholz’s spending policies and his Social Democratic Party'scriticism of Angela Merkel's ‘forced austerity’could lead to higher spending, a reduction of Germany’s historical surplus and the risk of inflation.