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Digital China: March Of The Machines

Yuan Yulai, CEO of machine-based financial advisor Licaimofang, speaks about the coming dominance of robo-advisors in China’s wealth-management market.


NBK-Kuwait Ready To Power Growth

Salah Al-Fulaij, CEO of NBK-Kuwait, shares thoughts with Global Finance about competition, Kuwait’s growth prospects and the pressures of global regulation.

Award Winners

Trade Finance: Delving Deep Into Data

Chris Laws, global head of product development, compliance and supply solutions for Dun & Bradstreet, explains how new technologies are providing ever deeper analysis to deliver reputational and financial risk mitigation

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

World’s Best Trade Finance Providers 2018: Winners List

GLOBAL WINNERS Best Bank for Trade Finance BNP Paribas Best Trade Finance Infrastructure Initiative CCRManager Best Bank for Commodity Finance Rabobank Best Trade Document Management BNY Mellon Best Trade Credit Insurance Provider Euler Hermes Best Bank for Export Finance ...


China’s Next Digital Revolution

Consumers have embraced digital technology to improve their lives. Now industry must figure out how digital tools can improve productivity.