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Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Regulators Increase Scrutiny Amid Surge In Global M&A

Capital Markets | M&A Antitrust Antitrust authorities around the world are stepping up their merger-monitoring activities amid a boom in cross-border M&A. They’re increasingly requiring merging companies to divest assets to win approval for their deals. In some cases, complex requirements are causing corporates to abandon proposed combinations.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Renminbi | The Goal Of Convertibility

The European Union is still debating the nature of its common currency, the position of non-eurozone EU members like the UK, and the future of stressed eurozone countries like Greece. But the situation in other parts of the world is quite different.

Country Report

Spain | Pitfalls On The Road To Recovery

Country Report | Spain Spain’s economic resurgence has exceeded even the most optimistic expectations. But how sustainable is it, given structural inefficiencies, stubbornly high unemployment and the threat of external shocks?

Award Winners

The Innovators 2015 | Picture This

The Innovators 2015 <span style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 22.008px;">Treasurers say they still lack visibility into global operations. But a new breed of banking solution is improving the view.</span>

Award Winners

The Most Innovative Banks In Transaction Services 2015

The Innovators 2015 - Transactions Services,isGlobal Finance'sannual listing of key innovations in treasury and transaction services.The financial institutions included in the list are honored for launching products or services that are transforming the corporate transaction services landscape. Global Finance uses the OECD's Oslo Manual Of Innovation to evaluate honorees.

Award Winners

The Most Innovative Solutions For Consumers/Financial Institutions

The Innovators 2015 - Transactions Services, isGlobal Finance'sannual listing of the most innovative banks and fintech companiesin treasury and transaction services.The firms in this category are honored for launching products or services that are transforming the transaction services landscape for consumers and financial institutions. Global Finance uses the OECD's Oslo Manual Of Innovation to evaluate honorees.

Capital Raising & Corporate Finance

Verizon Seeks Growth And Innovation In AOL Deal

United States | Verizon, one of the largest wireless providers in the United States, announced on May 12 that it will acquire AOL, a leading Internet pioneer and Web content provider, for $4.4 billion.